The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

August 8th, 2008

August 8th, 2008

Mod Notes: Fantasy Fest, Chat, what's to come....

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First, thanks to everyone who's remembered to tag your posts lately, especially for Fantasy Fest! I've been linking fest posts in the original sign-up post, but am a little behind and will update this weekend. Several members have even come back for seconds! There's still time to make a claim if you're interested in participating in the fest.

If you'd like to help me out in keeping the masterlist, post a link to your fic or art in the claiming post.

[info]snupin_santa sign-ups are just around the corner! Remember, if you're out of town for the 15-22, you can sign up early. Because many of us struggle to come up with prompts, I'll be hanging out in the chat room on and off all weekend. We won't be strictly on-topic (as I know I'll have some random Olympics squee), but we'll get ON topic for anyone who wants to talk Snape/Lupin or brainstorm for Snupin Santa.

If you're desperate for SS help and can't access the chat room, leave a reply here and I'm sure members will help you brainstorm.

There's a few things floating around my mind as we head into fall. For example, even though the Snupin Calendar has half a year of 2009 in it, do we want to do another one, maybe encompassing all of 2009? Or perhaps a computer background calendar project for 2009? Also, do we want another volume of Chocolate & Asphodel? (And did you know there's a feedback post for it here?) If you have any thoughts on projects like these or other projects, please reply here! I'll say now that the Funtime Book has been a bear, but I will be finishing it up for the fall as well.

There will be a weekly challenge prompt in October, in honour of the Fall season. And there's a Candid Captions ready to go this weekend. We can play with it while some of our other members enjoy Terminus (I hope they're all still at lunch, Snupining up a storm!).

That's it! Enjoy the break in the Weather while you can and if you have it. If not, I'll be seeing you in the Chat Room...♥

love, lore
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