The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 14th, 2008

July 14th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #30, NWS

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Title: Untitled
Artist: Curiousqity
Media: Ebony pencil on white copy paper.
Rating: R for subject matter, implied violence, no bits showing, NWS
Disclaimer: Characters depicted are both over 18 and belong to JKR.
Prompt: Short Art prompt #30 - Heavy s/D: sub!S, bondage, cruel R
Notes: I don't have a scanner, so I photographed this and then messed with it in Photoshop to get rid of the off colors, but it still doesn't look like the original. No photo references were used, just wooden posing dolls.


NWS art under cut )

snupin Terminus meet-up

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If you're going to Terminus, and you're interested in a snupin meet-up please reply to this post.

Last year at Prophecy a group of us met for coffee one morning and had a great time chatting about the ship and getting to know one another. I thought this was a great way to meet those of you I know online and thought we could do the same again this year (especially as it seems nothing else is being organized).  There are a lot of larger events already being organized (Snarry, slash and HPDM), so hopefully a mid-morning slot won't conflict with anyone else.

[info]_lore has said we can use this comm to get organized so hopefully we can reach out to as many snupiners attending as possible.

If anyone knows anything about Chicago/the hotel about where we can meet and hang-out, your help would be appreciated.
If you're attending and want to meet, please comment.
Also, how does Friday or Saturday morning sound to everyone for a meet-up? Preferences please.
And, if you have any other suggestions, comment here or email me at drusillas_rain at yahoo dot ca

::3 more weeks::

(cross-posted to lj)

ETA: [info]scarlet_malfoy is made of awesome for compiling a calendar of events and meet-ups for terminus

Reminders, updates!

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LiveLongNMarry bidding ends tonight at midnight PST (or 3 am EST, etc.). There is a list of [info]lupin_snape members with offers out there here, and some new members have come forward to be listed since the first day. So, check them out!

About prompts for the Fantasy Fest: Technically, the prompting time is over, and there are plenty of prompts already out there. However, if you feel you missed out and really have something cool to offer, I will accept late prompts here on this screened post. My patience for this is short, and I don't mean it in a mean way at all; it's just better for my organization for prompts to be closed once and for all. But I have one request for someone to be anonymous, so I have to go over my master lists one more time, so I'll add late prompts one more time as well. Act. Quickly.

Now that the initial rush for claims is over, a few reminders:

1. If you know you're the first one to claim a prompt, no need to wait for my confirmation message, just consider it yours and get started. I'll be slower now, about updating the master list, but each claim will eventually get its strike-thru. *g* Claiming will remain open throughout the fest, as there are now short prompts that could be drawn/written in a day.

2. There's a "prompt: fantasy fest '08" tag that anyone posting for the fest can use, in addition to fic and art ratings and other relevant tags. Please use the tags as you post; it helps the mods and masterlist-builders out a lot.

3. Once a prompt you offered has been completely posted, you may reveal yourself as the prompter, if you wish. That means you can't let on a prompt is yours if it's posted as a Work In Progress until the last chapter is posted. You can go nuts anonymously if the need to squee is really getting to you. ~_^

4. Creations can go up as Works in Progress, however, you are encouraged to finish posting by August 31. Last year, a lot of people put up parts to fics (and comics?) they were working on in the last week, intending to finish them. I won't make that against the rules for this year, but many of those fics were never finished, which is disappointing. Pace yourself, if you can.

5. Speaking of pacing yourself, remember that the last week of August is going to be crowded because of the deadline. If you want to be noticed, aim to post your creation as soon as possible. A lot of good stuff is often lost in the "deadline posting rush".

There are several posts of the short art prompts already up, which is just a wonderful way to start the fest! I hope members will continue to encourage creators by leaving comments as the Fantasy Fest moves along. And creators, remember, you're welcome to come back for another prompt as soon as you post the one you've claimed.

Thanks for getting our Third Lupin/Snape Fantasy Fest off to such a great start, everyone! ♥

love, lore

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #10

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Title: Hidden Motives
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I'm neither JKR nor James Whistler.
Prompt: #10. re-interpret a classic painting with a snupin "study" sketch (Whistler, Schiele, Neel, something unexpected)
Notes: Based on "Whistler's Mother". Yay, my first Fantasy Fest! XD

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