The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

July 13th, 2008

July 13th, 2008

Fantasy Fest: Short Art Prompt #20

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Title: The High Sea Adventures of Phoenix Wolfe & the Silver Snake
Artist: Geminia
Rating: R, NWS
Disclaimer: All depicted individuals are both fictional and over the age of 18.
Prompt: 20 - S & L as pirates! Go wild! +18
Dimensions: 1024x768
Notes: Thanks to Lore as ever for her help and her encouragement. Oh and blame her for the size, she needed new wallpaper. ;-)

Avast ye mateys. Here be pirates *g* )

Art: Shirtless, PG

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Title: Shirtless
Rating: PG? There's nipple, though manly nipples always seem less taboo than womanly ones. George Clooney even had them on the outside of his rubber batsuit. *shudders*
Notes: For the wonderful [info]snapelike who has been working her arse off, it seems, organising the Snupin minicon thingy. Especially for me, I would think, being as I've been last minute and disorganised. Whoop!
And it's only just over a week 'til we go. Yay!
Anyway, this one's for her.

'Severus, that's my shirt!'

'Tough. Snapelike wants it off, Lupin, so it's coming off.'

'Won't people object?'

'I certainly won't.'

Fic post: You're WHAT?

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This is pure and utter crack based on last night's chat. Please forgive me.

Title: You're WHAT?
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Snape/Lupin, Lupin/Tonks (past), Teddy/Victoire
Summary: Teddy has some news for his father and stepfather
Warnings: On to the crackfic! )
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