The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

March 10th, 2008

March 10th, 2008

For Lupin's birthday "Memoria Perdita" Fic: NC-17

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Title: Memoria Perdita – 1/3 - complete
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~7,750 overall
Rating: NC-17
Warning: m/m sex – oral & anal; erotic dreams; some angst
Disclaimer: JKR owns the copyrighted HP characters & settings
Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?
Beta: Many thanks to multi-talented [info]zephre for the brilliant beta-reading, & for the many excellent suggestions helping with structure & adverbs, content & completion. Thanks, [info]zephre.
Author’s notes: For Remus Lupin’s birthday on March 10.
Dedicated to [info]snapelike in appreciation of the wondrous stories I have so very much enjoyed – dear [info]snapelike, although this cannot even begin to compare to your luscious lyricism, I dedicate this to you in thanks for your wonderful writing, and the great joy I experienced every day in December reading your Advents-fic, The Snow Palace, checking the PC daily with all the enthusiasm I once had opening the little doors of my Oma’s carved wooden Adventskalander.

Memoria Perdita  )

"Memoria Perdita" Fic: NC-17 - Part 2

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Title: Memoria Perdita – 2/3 - complete
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~7,750
Rating: NC-17
Warning: m/m sex – oral & anal; erotic dreams; some angst
Disclaimer: JKR owns the copyrighted HP characters & settings
Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?
Beta: Many thanks to multi-talented [info]zephre for the brilliant beta-reading, & for the many excellent suggestions helping with structure & adverbs, content & completion. Thanks, [info]zephre.
Author’s notes: For Remus Lupin’s birthday on March 10.
Dedicated to [info]snapelike in appreciation of the wondrous stories I have so very much enjoyed – dear [info]snapelike, although this cannot even begin to compare to your luscious lyricism, I dedicate this to you in thanks for your wonderful writing, and the great joy I experienced every day in December reading your Advents-fic, The Snow Palace, checking the PC daily with all the enthusiasm I once had opening the little doors of my Oma’s carved wooden Adventskalander.

Memoria Perdita: Part 2 )

"Memoria Perdita" Fic: NC-17 - Third and final part

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Title: Memoria Perdita – 3/3 - complete
Author: red_day_dawning
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Word count: ~7,750
Rating: NC-17
Warning: m/m sex – oral & anal; some angst
Disclaimer: JKR owns the copyrighted HP characters & settings
Summary: After being attacked with an unknown curse, Lupin has lost almost all memories from the past few years. What does this mean to those who have learned to love him? And can his memories be recovered?
Beta: Many thanks to multi-talented [info]zephre for the brilliant beta-reading, & for the many excellent suggestions helping with structure & adverbs, content & completion. Thanks, [info]zephre.
Author’s notes: For Remus Lupin’s birthday on March 10.
Dedicated to [info]snapelike in appreciation of the wondrous stories I have so very much enjoyed – dear [info]snapelike, although this cannot even begin to compare to your luscious lyricism, I dedicate this to you in thanks for your wonderful writing, and the great joy I experienced every day in December reading your Advents-fic, The Snow Palace, checking the PC daily with all the enthusiasm I once had opening the little doors of my Oma’s carved wooden Adventskalander.

Memoria Perdita: Part 3 )

Everything Ventured, Something Gained

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Title:  Everything Ventured, Something Gained

Author:  Spidermoth

Word Count: 980

Rating(s):  PG-13

Warning(s):  Slash
Disclaimer:  JK Rowling owns it all

A/N:  Found an abandoned fic I'd started for Snupin100 (#140, A Spot of Bother) and thought I'd clean it up for Remus' birthday.  It's Severus' POV but I think Remus wil be pleased!

Mod Post: BIG PROJECT ANNOUNCEMENT, Rules change, Community Housekeeping

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Happy Birthday, Remus Lupin! May you spend your day snuggled up tight with your favourite Potions master. And may we all get to watch! ~_^

Lupin_Snape 5th Anniversary Activities:

Announcing the Snupineer Funtime Activity Project!

This project is our big community project, to be released on our Anniversary. That means this project has a quick turn-around deadline of April 1. It will be a free download of Snupin-based activities ranging from colouring pages to any and all games we can think of - the project is designed to be one in which even long-time lurkers could participate.

Any rating will be welcome - we will make PG13 and PG15 versions.
Duplicates welcome - If we have more than one Word Search or Paper Doll, etc., they will all go in ("lore's paper dolls").
Multiple submissions welcome - If you want more than one piece included, send them along.
Anonymous submissions welcome, but not encouraged - We want to give credit wherever it's due, but if you have an issue, please let us know in email.

File Formats - Adobe PDF most welcome (here's the Adobe page with 5 free creations), Word, In-Design, Microsoft Publisher, etc. Be prepared to lose your fonts if you give us anything but a PDF file. Other formats - Please ask!
ETA: As asked here, I can always take art as an image and drop it into one of my many programs myself, so if you just want to mail me TIFF or JPEG files (300 dpi preferred for flexibility), feel free!

Colouring Pages - Black and White Line Drawings (these can be from existing art or created new)
Paper Dolls - If anyone wants to share a template early for others to make outfits, please do (colour welcome)
Games - Any and all kids, with some suggestions and creators linked below (colour welcome)
Trivia - Question sets, can be general or specific (book canon, fanon, cliches, etc.), 20 - 50 questions.
Clip Art - A page of Snupiny objects either in photo or drawn form (print on sticker paper, for example, colour welcome)
Madlibs - Fill-in-the-blanks of a story for humourous results

Examples of games you could create, with links )

Entries should be mailed as attachments in an email to the community email address. Deadline is April 1, and that needs to be firm. If you have something started and a good excuse, write me rather than letting it go, but please don't procrastinate. The deadline is tight, but there are suggestions here for everyone from artists to lurkers, so I hope many of you will participate and be submitting throughout the rest of this month.

ETA: Please send an answer key with any games or puzzles you submit. Even a scanned image of your own solving of the puzzle on paper is welcome.

Community Rules Update - PLEASE READ:
I updated the Community Rules to reflect that we take R and NC17 posts here on Lupin_Snape now. Posting and cross-posting to [info]bymoonlight is still welcome, as are links to posts on [info]bymoonlight.

I also added a new rule 4.5, which states: Posts that are off-topic and have any version of "the mods can delete this if they want" in the text will be deleted and the user will be banned. Exceptions to this rule may be made at the moderators' discretions.

I don't like having to add such a rule, then again, I also don't like the anger I feel whenever someone takes advantage of the community by posting without reading the rules and expecting us to clean up after him/her. If you are not sure if a post will be on-topic, the community email is on the rules page, so please use it. Answers are usually given within a day and at many times within minutes. Thank you to the 99.99% of you who don't need this spelled out - you're all aces!

Trading Places is still wrapping up. A few authors never received art, even though they gave stories. If any artists are looking for one last challenge, please drop me an email at the community email address. The wonderful [info]senjy is all ready with the masterlist whenever we get the last pieces in.

I need a Cliche Month master list, and if anyone wants to tackle the birthdays from this year, please let me know.

Family Fest prompts are still open until I post them, which should be just after Remus' Birthday. If you have any art or darkfic ideas, they would help fill a hole in ideas.

List of Things Your Mod Needs To Do
Put Up Masterlists. Yes, I have a few backlogged.
Put up new Chat Room info. Thanks to [info]diana_moon for them!
Edit Links Lists on Both comms.
Update community info once Family Fest is up.
Put Lupin_Snape Mood Theme on IJ.
Get OpenID info together for posting.
Get polling together for 5th Anniversary!

Don't forget to tag your posts! Anyone can use existing community tags for any post.

Am I forgetting anything housekeeping-wise? Don't be afraid to tell me, I feel like I am... ^_^

love, lore

ART: Happy Birthday, Remus (NC-17)

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Title: Happy Birthday, Remus!
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Snape/Lupin/Bill
Warnings/Kinks: threesome, body paint, piercings, corset/cross-dressing
Summary: What does a Potions Master get a kinky werewolf for his birthday? Edible body paint and a corseted Weasley, of course.  ;)
A/N: This image owes parts of its creation to  Dianamoon's chat kink of the week "body art" and the website "They Fight Crime". We've caught these three in a non-crime-fighting moment, though. Heh.

(full image at my journal)

Another Birthday, Lupin?

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Title:  That Box.
Author:  blpaintchart
Rating:  PG13
Word count:  1500-ish
Summary:  A short fic in which Lupin is rather eager to show off his spell-casting skills, share the contents of his pockets, and get his hands on that box.


Remus' Birthday: Prompts

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Poor Remus! Where is the werewolf love today? *g* Here's a few prompts to get you through the end of the day (and into the next day, month, etc. because late posts are always welcomed):

1. Remus doesn't get what he wants for his birthday.

2. "...Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive..."
From Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Right-click to see image full size.

love, lore

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Title: And Blackberry Jam Tarts
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 907
Pairing(s)/character(s): Just the boys
Challenge: Remus’ Birthday
Warnings: unbeta'd!!!! mentions of cross-dressing
Notes: Remus’ shop based on my ficlet Lover’s Lane found here , but not necessary to understand this fic.

The Werewolf's Gift (RL/SS) R/NC17

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The Werewolf’s Gift

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: hard R/light NC17
Pairing: RL/SS
Summary: For a man who’s friends love him, Remus Lupin isn’t happy on his birthday. Severus Snape’s unexpected visit turns out to change that.
Challenge: none
Word Count: 2,415
Genre: Alternate Universe/Alternate Reality; PWP: Romance: First Time; Humor
Highlight for Warnings: * First time (not smooth, awkward, humorous); Heavy Adverb Use; Frotting; Mutual Masturbation *
A/N: Happy birthday 2008, Remus!

"A first time should have love and humor, hugs and lust."

Cross-posted to: [info]bymoonlight & [info]lupin_snape

Remus' Birthday: ficlet: Birthday Gifts

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Title: Birthday Gifts
Author: Sawsha12
Characters: Lupin/Snape and others
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Remus’ Birthday
W/C: ~750
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: It’s Remus’ birthday and of course there’s gifts.

Happy Birthday, Remus! What about a Snupin Meeting in London?

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Snupin Meeting in London, July 2008...

Too little Snupin in your life?

[info]imma and [info]snapelike would like to propose a two day Snupin event in Kensington, London, 23-24 July 2008. The date has been chosen so that those who are going to Accio 2008 in Oxford the following weekend will be able to do so. It will, however, be possible to move the Snupin meeting to the 19-20th July, if it is preferred.

Snupin Meeting London 2008? What is this all about? )

Potterverse Fic -- Puppy Pile

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Title: Puppy Pile
Author: Persephone Yavanna the Entwife
Pairing/Characters: Remus and Fenrir
Wordcount: 1138
Rating: G for gen (in other words, completely work-safe!)
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: JK Rowling and assorted others have rights to create derivative works within the Potterverse, but I am not one of those licensees, unfortunately. Rather not be sued for playing with the characters, though . . . not making a profit here, just exploring the characters and situations created by the esteemed Ms. Rowling.
Summary: One of the things Remus had missed most about his time as Dark Arts professor was the children.
Author Notes: Happy Birthday Remus! (Can be read as Snupin -- Snape just mentioned in passing, though, since the story is mostly about Remus, not Remus AND Severus.)

Puppy Pile
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