The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 12th, 2008

January 12th, 2008

Trading places - art shortage

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So...we've run quite short on art to claim. I think the most fair thing to do would be to encourage new art sign-ups (come in late, artists? Feel free to sign up at the link provided!), and allow the writers who haven't signed up yet to make second claims on the art offered. If you are a writer and you haven't signed up yet for an art piece to write for, please feel free to wait a couple days to see if more art submissions will come in, or to make a second claim on a piece.

If anyone has further thoughts or ideas on this, please let me know!

love, lore

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This is for [info]real_life_rosy and her fantastic AU Hang 'em High

If you haven't read it yet, go do so! It's Snupin set in the Wild West and is simply wonderful. Guns and whiskey and gosh darned bad guys and all the Western standards you c'n eat, and two men going at it. What more can you want?

Titles: Hang 'em High and Severus the Gunslinger
Rating: PG ('cause hey kids, say no to guns)
Notes: Spent some time reading Preacher, Loveless and Rawhide Kid. Hoorah for Western comics!

Two pictures below the cut )

"She did what?": Author's notes on Possession

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In case you're interested (or bored; or masochistic), I've posted some author's notes and back story on my Snupin Santa entry Possession. Said entry can be found here. As one kind reader noted, it's a bit like the "Additional Features" section on a DVD, so if you're into that kind of thing, you're welcome to have a peek. I always enjoy it when artists show how their work goes from sketch to finished product. This is sorta kinda a little like that; except instead of coming away from it going "Wow, I wish I could draw like that" you'll probably be going "Wow, I had no idea how much happenstance, good betas and sheer, undeserved luck had to do with writing." ;-)

Art for Trading Places Fest

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(It's been a long time, and it's not much, but this fest made me want to draw again)

So, here's an illustration for Punch-Drunk Love by dianamoon.
Fic is rated R, there's some nakedness in the art but no "action", sorry ;). I hope you like it, weird anatomy/colours and sketchy look and all ...

(I would have liked to draw something more expressive, but this came to my mind, because I liked this particular image, and let's be honest, hair is much easier to get right than facial expression ;)
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