The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community

January 11th, 2008

January 11th, 2008

Tagay DJ: "The Corridor Ambush" (NC17/NWS)

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This was supposed to be up last year, but I thought that the timing is okay now. We missed Snape's birthday, but we have a belated gift, and [info]blue_cage, one of our members, is celebrating her birthday today. I kind of hope she's feeling somewhat Snape-ish. :D

Title: "The Corridor Ambush"
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Lupin/Snape
Rating: NC17/NWS
Timeline: --
Summary: Severus is caught in the corridor.

Pages: 6 (excluding the two-page spread)
Size: 3.99mb

( click here for download links at our LJ comm )

* If you look at the current layout of Tanggero, you'll find one of the panels there is colored and used as our header. XD

Post for McKay

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Alas, I haven't quite managed to finish the fic I promised you :( My profound apologies, and my word that I will have it finished when I get back.

I'll be out of the country and largely AWFK until the 19th, although I may have DSL access from time to time. Have fun, everybody, and stay safe!

Love and kisses -


Mod Post: Last call for Trading Places!

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And now, the promised begging (*wink*) -

We have under 20 sign-ups in both the Fiction and Art categories for the Trading Places challenge. You have until 11:59 Eastern Standard Time tonight to sign up before the opening of claiming at Midnight on Saturday - that's about six more hours from when I post this. Of course, you can always sign up after claiming has opened, as well as make claims anytime after midnight, but you'll miss out on the initial claiming frenzy.

Remember, signing up only commits you to writing 500 words or producing one sketch/drawble-quality piece of art by February 15. One good thing about low sign-ups - most everyone should be picked at least once when claiming opens! *g*

Good luck at Midnight!

love, lore
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