May. 22nd, 2014


After some conversations with the Ministress of Magic, we have decided to offer a summer program for anyone who needs to catch up on their studies for the next year. If you haven't finished the year that you were in, please be sure to register for those classes.

Additionally, we will be opening up our teaching positions as well as teaching positions for other subjects such as muggle english, arithmatic, science and social studies. If you have any knowledge in these positions, please feel free to apply with us.

If there is a subject you would like to teach that isn't one of our regular curriculum, you are welcome to discuss it with me at any time to see if it would be a viable position within our school.

We have also recently hired Dean Stavros as our new school counselor.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

May. 18th, 2014


Hello to everyone who has been displaced. My name is Narcissa Malfoy and I am the Ministress of Magic. I have been working closely with Headmistress McGonagall to ensure that we can attend to all of your needs while we figure out who and why you're here.

Starting tomorrow, you will be able to ride the Hogwarts Express in to London. Please be aware that the train trip is a day out and another day back in, not counting the time you actually spend in the city. You will need at least three days free to make these trips, and as with the Hogsmeade trips, anyone under seventeen must be accompanied by another adult, seventeen years of age or older.

In London, there is another Wizarding town that can be reached by going through the Leaky Cauldron. There, we have a bank, Gringotts. You are able to convert your galleons into muggle money there. I am unsure of what 10 galleons equates to, but the goblins there would be able to tell you.

It is also recommended that those of you who are of age consider taking on jobs at Hogsmeade or within the school as we can not continue to fund things for every displaced individual beyond the ten galleons we gave started you off with. I am sure that the kitchens or the hospital wing could use some extra help.

Those who are underage will want to register for school for next year in the event that you are still here. We are currently considering what to do for the muggle children who are now at the school, so we will keep you updated with that information as we figure out what comes to pass.

Thank you all for your continued patience.

Ministress of Magic
Narcissa Malfoy

May. 16th, 2014


We thank you for all of your patience as we try to sort out what has happened to bring all of you here. I trust that you all have found your rooms by now. If you need to find anything, the provided map of the grounds should assist with that. If not, feel free to ask any of our staff.

We have made arrangements to allow you to make trips to Hogsmeade at any point during your stay here. Our carriages will take you at any time. Anyone under the age of seventeen must be accompanied by an adult seventeen years of age or older.

Hogsmeade is the village nearby with various shops. They do not carry any muggle items, but you can get any number of things to help tide you over.

We are working on further arrangements to ensure that you are all able to access things you might need.

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall