Jul. 19th, 2008


"Invisible Ink," Final Fantasy X (Jecht/Braska)

Title: Invisible Ink
Author: [info]eider
Rating: PG.
Word count: ~575
Summary: Vignette-- Jecht and Braska and Auron, and a conversation aboard a shoopuf. Hints and allegations and things left unsaid.
Author's Note: Prompt was [July 20, "tattoos - Braska has one"]. Apologies for posting an hour early; I'm not sure how much access I'll have to the internet tomorrow. I hope that's not a problem!

'That really is marvelous work.' )

Jul. 9th, 2008


Something She Left Behind, Final Fantasy X [Seymour/Yuna]

Title: Something She Left Behind
Author/Artist: [info]sheikah
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: mentions sex. Nothing graphic.
Word count: 777
Prompt: Seymour/Yuna - costumes - I lift you up like the sweetest angel / I'll tear you down like a whore
Summary: She cries her life is like, some movie black and white. ~ Hemorrhage, Fuel

Something She Left Behind )

Jul. 5th, 2008


See You Through, Final Fantasy X, Auron/Braska

Title: See You Through
Prompt: "massage - He met his summoner in the Bevelle Temple baths"
Author: [info]eider
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Made-up name for Braska's late wife.
Word count: ~1,760 words.
Summary: Braska makes his best decisions in the bath.

'I didn't think to find you here.' )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


your turn now, Final Fantasy X (Magus Sisters/Isaaru)

Title: your turn now
Author/Artist: cetus_nightmare
Rating: not worksafe
Warnings: insane amount of buildup
Word count: 4,725
A/N: Final Fantasy X - Magus Sisters/Isaaru - 3 on 1 - This was a bit more than he expected... ...One day late...(-.-;)

It's our turn now, but soon - )

Mar. 30th, 2008


Bathing Confessions, Final Fantasy X, Auron/Braska/Jecht

Title: Bathing Confessions
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: light R for some groping
Warnings: no warnings ^_^
Word count: 1378
Summary: the trio stop in at Rin's Travel Agency
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Auron/Braska/Jecht: threesome, sexual hangups - Don't be such a prude
A/N: I think my Auron muse is happier now :) Thanks Chi for the quick read through and title suggestion ♥

Bathing Confessions )

Mar. 22nd, 2008


Swimming with the summoner, Final Fantasy X, Jecht/Braska

Title: Swimming with the summoner
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: a little nekkidness
Word count: 918
Summary: Jecht, Braska and the spring in the forest
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Jecht/Braska: undressing - moonlight
A/N: It turned out nothing like planned thanks to Jecht wanting water to play in and I will have to go back and write the original idea. It needs to be written. And yes, lame title really but I couldn't leave it untitled ^^;

Swimming with the summoner )

Mar. 6th, 2008


What You Didn’t Really Want To Know, Anyways [Final Fantasy, Marlboros]

Title: What You Didn’t Really Want To Know, Anyways
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: PG
Warnings: crack, plant!sex, crack, tentacles, and did I mention crack?
Word count: 902
Prompt: Final Fantasy (any), marlboro: parthenogenesis - how do they reproduce, anyway?
A/N: Set in Spira

What You Didn’t Really Want To Know, Anyways )

Mar. 5th, 2008


At Days End, Final Fantasy X, Braska/Auron

Title: At Days End
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: nudity?
Word count: 893
Summary: Braska and Auron training for the pilgrimage
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Braska/Auron: Hair - Silk and leather
A/N: Mmm Braska and Auron, part of my OT3. And for some reason I wrote my note to myself saying this was due on the 6th ^^; Good thing it's still the 5th somewhere on the planet XD

At Days End )

December 2008




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