Jul. 9th, 2008


Treasure Scent, Kingdom Hearts (Leon/faerie!Gullwings)

Title: Treasure Scent
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: G
Warnings: none really, implied Seph/Cloud/Leon
Word count: 806
Summary: Apparently there's treasure in Leon's pants!
A/N: One day I will write the oh so wrong porny version of this. Sadly the muses aren't cooperating at the moment.
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts - Leon/faerie!Gullwings - treasure hunt - Just what was he hiding?

Treasure Scent )
I do have another fic due today but it's still in progress and so will be late but hopefully not too late. Sorry.

Jul. 7th, 2008


Wanna Wake Up With You, Final Fantasy VII (Cloud/Rufus)

Title: Wanna Wake Up With You
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: M
Warnings: nekkidness pfft
Word count: 822
Summary: Rufus should not answer phones first thing in the morning
A/N: Mmm Rufus and Cloud = yummy!
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII - Rufus/Cloud - quasi-incest - "Just look at us."

Wanna wake up with you )

Jul. 5th, 2008


Sometimes Wanted Memories, Baccano! (Firo/Maiza)

Title: Sometimes Wanted Memories
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG
Warnings: tiny bit of angst, hinted incest
Word count: 540
Summary: Firo and the weight of memories
A/N: Another that's not come out quite as expected. Pre-slash Maiza/Firo and my first Baccano! fic
Prompt: Baccano! - Firo/anyone - acting on instinct - two hundred years' worth of other people's memories

Sometimes Wanted Memories )

Jul. 2nd, 2008


Purple, Final Fantasy VII (Cid/Vincent)

Title: Purple
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: M+ for swearing & nuditity
Warnings: Cid swearing...a lot
Word count: 1890
Summary: Cid gets a very unexpected late night visit
A/N: Not precisely Vincent/Cid but it could still go that way :3
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Vincent/Cid: Demons - $#%*@-ing purple fur is hard to explain off the &$%ing sheets.

Purple )

Mar. 30th, 2008


Bathing Confessions, Final Fantasy X, Auron/Braska/Jecht

Title: Bathing Confessions
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: light R for some groping
Warnings: no warnings ^_^
Word count: 1378
Summary: the trio stop in at Rin's Travel Agency
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Auron/Braska/Jecht: threesome, sexual hangups - Don't be such a prude
A/N: I think my Auron muse is happier now :) Thanks Chi for the quick read through and title suggestion ♥

Bathing Confessions )

Mar. 24th, 2008


Not Love, Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa

Title: Not Love
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: err het? I write yaoi usually so het is my warning ;)
Word count: 431
Summary: Just a little romp in the kitchen
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa: rough sex, spontaneous sex (anywhere but bed) - It wasn't love, but she didn't care
A/N: I don't write het so I actually think this may be my first het smexing scene...may have to check that. I blame the prompt *nods* It showed me an image and the mind said write it. Thanks to Kalli for the quick read.

Not Love )

Mar. 22nd, 2008


Swimming with the summoner, Final Fantasy X, Jecht/Braska

Title: Swimming with the summoner
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: a little nekkidness
Word count: 918
Summary: Jecht, Braska and the spring in the forest
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Jecht/Braska: undressing - moonlight
A/N: It turned out nothing like planned thanks to Jecht wanting water to play in and I will have to go back and write the original idea. It needs to be written. And yes, lame title really but I couldn't leave it untitled ^^;

Swimming with the summoner )

Mar. 11th, 2008


"Tied Up In You", Final Fantaxy VII, Tseng/Rufus

Title: Tied Up In You
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: light bondage
Word count: 627
Summary: Tseng shows Rufus some traditional ropework.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Tseng/Rufus Shinra: bondage - "It's the Wutai way."
A/N: This would be try 3 of getting the fic out of my head. The muses were being right difficult. For the curious, Tseng has used Shibari on Rufus, just a basic Karada with an extra knot or two in fun places :3

Tied Up In You )

Mar. 5th, 2008


At Days End, Final Fantasy X, Braska/Auron

Title: At Days End
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: nudity?
Word count: 893
Summary: Braska and Auron training for the pilgrimage
Prompt: Final Fantasy X, Braska/Auron: Hair - Silk and leather
A/N: Mmm Braska and Auron, part of my OT3. And for some reason I wrote my note to myself saying this was due on the 6th ^^; Good thing it's still the 5th somewhere on the planet XD

At Days End )

Mar. 1st, 2008


Fic: Same time tomorrow?, Bleach (Zaraki/Byakuya)

Title: Same time tomorrow?
Author/Artist: [info]gardensgnome
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: blood and sex oh yeah baby ♥
Word count: 602
Summary: Byakuya learns he doesn’t mind the taste of blood
Prompt: Bleach, Zaraki/Byakuya: Battlefield sex - Dripping
A/N: I think this was the third or fourth start. They were getting too talkative…so now they’re silent XD Ah, first Bleach fic by me. Thanks to Chi for the confidence boot up bum aka quick read through *luffs*

Same time tomorrow? )

December 2008




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