July 16th, 2008

[info]mitsuhachi in [info]kinkfest

DDS, 'And Then...' (Heat/Serph/Sera)

Fandom: Digital Devil Saga
Title: And Then Canon Got Fucked
Author: Mitsuhachi
Characters/Pairings: Heat, Serph, Sera
Rating: Pg for implied poly?
Wordcount: 471
Prompt: Heat - dreamscape - king of the castle
Other: Title stolen from one of Laylah's icons. Not mine; just really appropriate.

And Then Canon Got Fucked )

[info]ellnyx in [info]kinkfest

Isosceles [FFXII, Ashe/Basch/Vossler]

Fandom: FFXII
Title: Isosceles
Author: logistika_nyx
Characters/Pairings: Ashe/Basch/Vossler, Basch/Ashe/Vossler
Rating: NC-17
Wordcount: 3000
Other: for kinkfest prompt ‘double penetration - sweat-slick and needy.’

[info]cephy in [info]kinkfest

"Technophile", Tales of the Abyss (Guy/fontech)

Title: Technophile
Author: Cephy
Rating: R
Warnings: Vaguest of vague references to game events.
Word count: 960
Prompt: Tales of the Abyss – Guy (/fontech) – object insertion – sterile, immaculate, rational, perfect
A/N: Now with bonus background Guy/Luke, because I'm weak like that.

For all of their ability, the 'bots could be surprisingly delicate. )

[info]lassarina in [info]kinkfest

Aufer Calorem Noxium, Final Fantasy IV (Kain/Valvalicia)

Title: Aufer Calorem Noxium
Author/Artist: Lassarina Aoibhell (ficjournal: [info]lassarina)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Spoilers through Fabul, inexplicit sex
Word Count: 2420
Summary: Has he fallen so low, that he would take another and call her by Rosa's name?
Author's Note: Written for the prompt Kain/Barbariccia - substitution - the path ends. Also Kain is a damned wordy bastard. Beta-reading by [info]seventhe. This is part of my arc Lucis Ante Terminum and follows directly after The Good Fight, though you need not know the arc nor the other piece to understand this one.

Aufer Calorem Noxium )

[info]shiegra in [info]kinkfest

Crowded, Baccano! (Luck/Eve)

Title: Crowded
Author/Artist: [info]shiegra
Rating: PG13
Word count: 834
Prompt: Baccano! - Luck/Eve - friction/frottage - "Are you feeling unwell?"

Read more... )

December 2008



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