July 13th, 2008

[info]ex_arianne555 in [info]kinkfest

"Fearsome," Digital Devil Saga (Varna/Gale)

Title: Fearsome
Author: Arianne
Rating: R
Warnings: demon/human sex, DDS violence. No spoilers.
Word count: 200
Prompt: July 6 - Gale/Serph - delayed orgasm - "whatever form I take, you are the one I wish to serve"
A/N: Super-late, better than never?

After the first hour )

[info]amphigories in [info]kinkfest

This is Home Too, Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa

Title: This is Home Too
Author: [info]amphigories
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: ~2,200
Summary: Tifa has helped Cloud through his bad memories, but sometimes she needs help with hers.
Prompt: July 13, Slow, reverent sex--welcome home
A/N: I'm so sorry! I got the home part and the sex part, but not quite the "slow, reverent" part. I hope it's still okay.

Sometimes it's like this too. )

[info]chichirinoda in [info]kinkfest

Cat and Quincy, Bleach (Grimmjow/Ishida)

Title: Cat and Quincy
Author: [info]chichirinoda
Rating: R
Warnings: Non-con, but see the rating. Not graphic
Summary & Notes: Grimmjow has a new prey to stalk, and his name is Ishida Uryuu. Written for kinkfest, for the prompt: Bleach - Grimmjow/Ishida - hunting - "I like ‘em feisty."

Cats were nothing if not fickle, but when they'd decided to hunt something, nothing would distract them from the stalk until they'd completed the pounce and their new toy had either died or every bit of enjoyment had been wrung from their body. )

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

"Altitude," Tales of the Abyss, Guy/Noelle

Title: Altitude
Author: Laylah
Rating: worksafe
Word count: 200
Prompt: Guy/Noelle - pilot's seat - we are gaining speed/I can barely breathe

Altitude )

[info]cetus_nightmare in [info]kinkfest

just out of reach - final fantasy xii, (balthier/ashe), art

Title: just out of reach
Author/Artist: cetus_nightmare
Rating: Worksafe
A/N: Late again. ...I'm okay with how it turned out, but not quite satisfied.

Prompt: 12/7 - Final Fantasy XII - Ashe/Balthier - Forbidden fruit, tastes of freedom, some kind of food fetish - "This is something you can only taste once / Let's remember one more time"

Reach for it... )

December 2008



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