May 2nd, 2008

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

[admin] prompting about to close!

three hours until prompts close!

If you're making last-minute prompts, please make sure that you have the format correct -- your fandom and pairing spelled out, all four parts of the prompt included. I have literally hundreds of these to get through tonight (and I've been updating the list every day previous to this), and it makes my job so much easier if you take the time to type out "Fullmetal Alchemist" instead of "FMA," or whatnot.

I will post the prompt lists as soon as I get them done, and claiming will start in about 48 hours.

So much cool stuff!

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

[admin] prompt posts, claiming process

Okay -- I'm about to post the prompt posts, so you guys can look them over before claiming opens (six pm PDT on Sunday -- here's your time zone conversion) and start picking things out. :3

If I've missed anything or messed up any of your prompts, please let me know, in comments here or a PM or something. I don't think I'll be able to get to these tonight because I'm wiped out, but I'll fix things in the morning.

About claiming for this round:
- Each prompt, as in past rounds, can be claimed twice for fic and twice for art.

- I'm going to take claims in staggered fashion. On Sunday when claiming opens, you may claim up to 15 prompts. A few days later, when the first rush has passed, I'll make another post to let you know that it's open season to come back for more if you want them. This way as many people as possible can get a shot at prompts, but there should also be a way for ambitious people who want to grab really large numbers to get their kink on, too.

- Yes, you may claim prompts that you made. Nobody knows your kinks better than you do, right? :3


[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

Prompts for July 1-10

July 1 through 10 )

Claims are open! Each prompt can be claimed twice for fiction and twice for art.

Please, when making your claims, remember:
- include the date, and the entire prompt, for each one, so I can find them
- note whether you're claiming for fic or for art

[info]laylah in [info]kinkfest

Prompts for July 11-20

July 11 through 20 )

Claims are open! Each prompt can be claimed twice for fiction and twice for art.

Please, when making your claims, remember:
- include the date, and the entire prompt, for each one, so I can find them
- note whether you're claiming for fic or for art

December 2008



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