September 18th, 2007

[info]jlsigman in [info]kinkfest

Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Kadaj: on top of the motorcycle, arousal during battle - “I couldn’t believ

Title: The Chase
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: PG
Warnings: More double-entandres and innuendo than should be legally allowable
Word count: 323
Prompt: September 18th, #5. Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Kadaj: on top of the motorcycle, arousal during battle - “I couldn’t believe I was hard.”
Author’s Note: This just came out weird…


[info]quaedam in [info]kinkfest

ART: Ouran Host Club (Hikaru/Haruhi/Kaoru)

Title: Going Out
Author/Artist: [info]quaedam
Rating: PG-13 for. . .suggestive but completely clothed tipsy writhing? IDK. XD
A/N: A twins/Haruhi sandwich, or the twins and Haruhi get their Y tu Mama Tambien on. I hope this is what the requester had in mind for the prompt: Going out - “I’m pretty sure this isn’t something normal families do.” “Really? How boring!”. I assumed you meant. . .acting out in public a bit, or something. :3 I also hope they look enough like themselves, and I didn't take too many liberties with their appearance--I figured for one thing that they're older and Haruhi is perhaps staying with the twins/visiting for some reason (which would explain why she also seems to have borrowed some of their clothes. . .).

Cut for large image )

[info]writerzilch in [info]kinkfest

[fic] "Explosive Results", FFVII (Rude/Reno)

Title: Explosive Results
Author: [info]writerzilch
Rating: R
Warnings: Slightly non-worksafe? But no graphic descriptions.
Summary: Reno's face lit up. It was really sort of scary to see a grown man beaming like a kid on Midwinter Morning at the prospect of setting up a bomb that would take out nearly a full city block.

Explosive Results )

December 2008



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