September 14th, 2007

[info]raisedbymoogles in [info]kinkfest

FF7, Jenova/Sephiroth

Title: Lost City
Author: [info]raisedbymoogles
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied character death
Word count: 594
Summary: Sephiroth has everything he needs - except what Aeris represents.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Jenova: Mindfuck - "Mother knows best, darling."
Notes: Not much of the pr0nz, sorry... :\

Sephiroth perched in the crystal rafters... )

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]kinkfest

Final Fantasy VII (Elena/Tifa)

Title: Wallflower No More
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: fingering, orgasm
Word count: 884
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Elena/Tifa: Masquerade ball - "No one will ever know."
A/N: And now for something completely different - my first yuri fic.

Wallflower No More )

[info]guiltyred in [info]kinkfest

FFVII:AC (Loz/Kadaj)

Title: A Cingular Obsession
Author: GuiltyRed

Warnings: masturbation
Word count: 921
Summary: Things take an interesting turn when Loz decides to push the boundaries a little.
Prompt: September 14 – #10. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Loz/Kadaj: Phone Sex – “What are you doing right now?”

[info]sister_coyote in [info]kinkfest

No Prey-Beast, Final Fantasy XII (Drace/Fran)

Title: No Prey-Beast
Author: Sister Coyote
Rating: Worksafe
Length: 500 words
Prompt: Final Fantasy XII, Drace/Fran: status effects - the familiar turned feral and strange
Summary: The first time she ever saw a viera who was not citified -- hair undyed, expression closed, willing to meet her eyes -- Drace was already a Judge, well on her way to the Magistry, and it was on the road to Archades, and she was alone.

No Prey-Beast )

[info]marmaladecat in [info]kinkfest

Changing Seasons, Final Fantasy VII, (Sephiroth/Cloud)

Title: Changing Seasons
Author/Artist: [info]marmaladecat
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1,188
Summary: For prompt:- Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Cloud - redefining boundaries: "It's a bit late to be calling me sir."

Set post DoC.

Of course, he comes back. Just like he always does. )

[info]kemis in [info]kinkfest

Om Lam Indraya Namah, RG Veda (Taishakuten/Ashura-oh)

Title: Om Lam Indraya Namah ("Om, I bow to Lord Indra")
Author: Kemis
Beta reader/support giver: [info]manxsama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of gore and other unsavoury things.
Word count: 2974 words
Prompt: RG Veda, Taishakuten/Ashura-ou: Courting - “You tried to reach deep but you never got in.”
Summary: Taishakuten lived his life by one rule - become strong enough to take what you covet the most.
A/N: It was meant to be a short, easy piece, but it became long and overly complicated. The lack of an English canon to refer to didn’t help, since I read the manga as it was published in my country. I researched the original Rigveda text and legends for help, so as result several bits of it found their way into the story. In the end I decided to stick with the names as I know them. Therefore, Taishakuten is referred to as Taishaku through most this fic, as the suffix ‘-ten’ indicates the title of Heavenly Emperor. For more references, you’ll find footnotes at the end of the fic.

Fair cheeks hath Indra, Maghavan, the Victor, Lord of a great host, Stormer, strong in action. )

December 2008



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