August 13th, 2007

[info]undiscoverme in [info]kinkfest

Prompt List ( September 1st thru September 15th)

Prompts for September 1st thru September 15th) )

[Prompt List (September 16th thru September 30th)]

- I'll finish adding numbers to each prompt once the submission period has ended [11: 59 PM EST tonight]

- This list is a work in progress. If you don't see the prompt you submitted, please drop me a line in the request post and I'll try to figure out where I went wrong.

- Claiming is likely to be delayed by a day or two. I'll make an announcement once the submission period closes. Please bear with me!

- HP Spoilers: A couple of prompts contain a pairing and a statement that some may consider of a spoilery nature. Please do keep that in mind if you've not yet read HP Book 7.

***Thanks guiltyred for the proofreading duty and corrections.

[info]undiscoverme in [info]kinkfest

Prompt List (September 16th thru September 30th)

Prompts for September 16th thru September 30th) )

[Prompt List (September 1st thru September 15th)]

- I'll finish adding numbers to each prompt once the submission period has ended [11: 59 PM EST tonight]

- This list is a work in progress. If you don't see the prompt you submitted, please drop me a line in the request post and I'll try to figure out where I went wrong.

- Claiming is likely to be delayed by a day or two. I'll make an announcement once the submission period closes. Please bear with me!

- HP Spoilers: A couple of prompts contain a pairing and a statement that some may consider of a spoilery nature. Please do keep that in mind if you've not yet read HP Book 7.

***Thanks guiltyred for the proofreading duty and corrections.

December 2008



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