Posts Tagged: 'peyton+prescott'

Aug. 14th, 2017




Who: Jake, Peyton
What: A meeting at a diner
When: July 12, Wednesday, evening
Where: Vale Diner
Status: Closed, ongoing

Maybe he was cursed )

Aug. 11th, 2017


open network / tuesday, july 11 11:11 pm

Because I'm a masochist and also I'm being paid to promote these shenanigans, you should all come down to Starlords tomorrow and witness this nonsense and/or maybe bring me a drink so I survive them:

this was 100% not my idea )

Aug. 8th, 2017



Aliens, woe

Who: Misty, open Peyton
What: drinking
When: July 11, 9 PM-ish
Where: A bar in downtown Stormvale
Status: Open, ongoing

She didn't usually in public ... )