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Apr. 14th, 2013


Who: George to Lucas and April.
What: Birthday presents.
When: April 13, 2020.
Where: Left outside the apartment in the middle of the night.

Gifts for her favorite twins. )

Apr. 13th, 2013


WHO: Rae (and EJ) to April and Lucas
WHAT: Birthday stuff.
WHERE: Left on their pillows in the morning and on the table in their apartment in the afternoon.
WHEN: April 13th, 2020

Pretend I posted this earlier. I spent mooost of the afternoon internetless. )

Mar. 1st, 2013


WHO: Leah and Luke
WHEN: March 2, 2020; mid-morning
WHERE: The medical ward
WHAT: Marigold runs off. Luke finds her.
RATING: Low/Medium? Also L for Long. x_x Feel free to skip down to the last couple paragraphs. The cute moment wouldn't get out of my head. ♥

° o ° O ° o ° O ° o ° )

Feb. 6th, 2013


WHO: April & Lucas
WHEN: February 6th, 2020 :: Mid-day
WHAT: April and Lucas partake in mayhem.
WHERE: Semi-abandoned section of the compound.
RATING: Medium, maybe?
CHALLENGE: Wrath vs. Kindness

☆★☆★☆ )

Jan. 27th, 2013


WHO: April, Lucas, Rae.
WHEN: [Forward-dated to] January 28th, 2020; Early morning
WHAT: The Algren-Nichols Family has a heart-to-heart.
WHERE: Rae, April and Lucas’ Apartment
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )

Jan. 11th, 2013


WHO: April. Open to reaction from George and Lucas (If the latter is with George when she stumbles upon this)
WHEN: January 11th, 2020; Afternoon
WHAT: The prank war begins.
WHERE: George’s room
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )

Nov. 19th, 2012


WHO: April, George & Luke
WHEN: November 19th, 2019; Afternoon
WHAT: Mistaken identity and an introduction.
WHERE: The Laundry room.
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )

Nov. 16th, 2012


WHO: April and Luke
WHEN: [Forward-dated] November 17th, 2019; Early Morning - 1AM
WHAT: Long awaited reunion of the Nichols twins.
WHERE: Route 9A - Ossining.
RATING: Medium, maybe?

☆★☆★☆ )

Oct. 18th, 2012


WHO: Rae and Luke
WHAT: Reactions to Tallis' gifts.
WHERE: Rae's apartment.
WHEN: 10/21, morning -- backdated slightly.
RATING: Possibly language-medium.

C'mon, get up, lazysaurus. )

Sep. 15th, 2012


Who: George and Luke.
What: No Zombies AU, A debate gets out of control.
When: Backdated 9/12, afternoon.
Where: College classroom.
Rating: Low.
Status: In progress.

How strong does my passion flow,/Divided equally twixt two?/
Damon had ne'er subdued my heart/Had not Alexis took his part; )

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