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Oct. 17th, 2012


WHO: Everett and Nick, then Caitie
WHAT: Arriving and continuing the search
WHERE: The courtyard
WHEN: Forward dated to October 25, 2019 ; afternoon

He stifled the little voice in his head that tried to tell him they were probably dead, because he couldn't bear it. )

Sep. 26th, 2012


WHO: Caitie and Leah
WHAT: Making a fool out of herself, more or less. Also being caught with something she has no right to have.
WHERE: Sing Sing courtyard
WHEN: 09/26 ;; afternoon

Bring night! Bring the night on!
'Cause all that we are after is a little bit of fun... )

Sep. 17th, 2012


WHO: Silas. Open to optional reaction from Caitie, Daniel, George, Luke, Maddie, Brandon, whoever else might be there at the time of this particular prank.
WHEN: September 18, 2019; mid-afternoon
WHERE: The garage
WHAT: Epic revenge prankery.
RATING: Medium to be safe.

ooc note: this is totes optional for whoever wants to be there at the time. and anyone else can hop into this, too, if you think your character would conceivably be there.

★ ★ ★ )

Aug. 6th, 2012



WHO: Open to All
WHEN: August 6th, all day
WHERE: The three designated places on the Sing Sing grounds.
WHAT: Interviews.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Aug. 3rd, 2012


WHO: Caitie and Maddie
WHAT: Mischievous moments lead to dead dude discovery.
WHERE: The path between Luke's room and Maddie's room.
WHEN: Morning, 08/03/19
RATING: Medium for language. Also Hilarious for girly freakouts.

There's a science to fear.
It plagues my mind,
And it keeps us right here... )

Jul. 7th, 2012


WHO: Maddie and Caitie
WHEN: July 7, 2019; between 10PM and 1AM
WHERE: Sing Sing; Evan's room
WHAT: Ke$hafying the room like bosses.
RATING: Medium.

★ ★ ★ )

Jun. 26th, 2012


WHO: Caitie and Rory
WHAT: Being found out!
WHERE: The abandoned cell blocks.
WHEN: June 26th, 2019, evening
RATING: Probably low, maybe medium for language?
STATUS: In progress.

It did sort of suck, living on her own like this without any human contact. )

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