February 2nd, 2013

[info]nohope in [info]immune_ic

WHO: David Zimmerman and Jackie Danvers
WHAT: Hobbling back into Sing Sing territory.
WHERE: The front gate.
WHEN: 02/03/20, wee hours of the morning
RATING: Medium/high for potential language and bloodiness.

He couldn't distance himself from that place fast enough. )

[info]thoughshebends in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Kori and Leah
WHEN: February 2nd, 2020; early afternoon
WHERE: A previously unoccupied room in one of the admin buildings.
WHAT: Kori surprises Leah with a baby shower.
RATING: Medium, at most.
CHALLENGE: Pride vs. Humility

Kori had taken a lot of measures to make sure that Leah hadn’t caught any hint of what she’d been planning. )

[info]ambitionless in [info]immune_ic

WHO: Jake and Talia.
WHAT: Patching up his many hurts.
WHEN: February 2, just after dark.
WHERE: The infirmary.
RATING: Medium for blood, and Jake's mouth.

d`d`d )

[info]rebelinnature in [info]immune_ic

WHO: George and Maddie.
WHAT: Completing a prank.
WHEN: February 3, during breakfast.
WHERE: April's place.
CHALLENGE: #4 Sloth vs. Diligence
RATING: Low/Medium?

`d`d` )