Jan. 6th, 2009


Dragon's Amusement (Tonks/Charlie, Nc17)

Title: Dragon’s Amusement
Artist: sweet_lemmon
Pairing: Charlie/Tonks
Media: Watercolors, markers, and coloring pencils.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Nothing too big, really. Just outdoors sex, oral/blowjob…Voyeur! Dragon?
Artist's notes : Gift for [info]ragdoll. [info]smutty_claus 2008 Fest.
Original Post @ [info]smutty_claus.
Here@ My Artwork Journal[info]sweet_art

Dec. 7th, 2008


Advent Drawbles Week 1

I've been doing a combination of drabbles and drawbles for the adventdrabbles community on IJ.  Here are this week's art responses:

headers and links - Draco & Luna family holiday, Pansy sees a Thestral, Ron gets pranked, Percy welcomes Tonks home )

Apr. 5th, 2008


ART: Percy Weasley, King of Magepunk (PG)

Title: Percy Weasley, King of Magepunk
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Characters: Tonks/Ginny, Luna/Percy, various OCs
Summary: Waiting in the queue for the club, Percy decides that maybe Luna's idea isn't so entirely daft after all...
Warnings: none
Medium: Photoshop
Notes: If I didn't think my viewers and I would go blind, I'd try to make some of the clothes change color through animation. But I'm just not that ambitious. Notes on Magepunk subcultures (I included at least one of each!) are in my Insanejournal over here. Fic to follow.

(link to the very large image in my journal.)

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Art: "We'll be fine" (Remus/Tonks, Teddy, G)

Title: We’ll be fine
Artist: [info]sweet_lemmon
Characters: Remus/Tonks, Teddy
Media used: Colored pencils, PS (for the slight edited version)
Rating: G
Warnings: none.
Notes: Scanners don’t like colored pencils...and everytime I draw Remus he ends different. *cries* Actually, I think this is the first time I draw (sp?) Remus in a het situation. Anyways, I used a pic of a couple in a magazine for reference to R/T position.

We’ll be fine @ [info]sweet_art

Nov. 13th, 2007


Charlie/Tonks, R, NWS

Title: Float there and watch it all
Artist(s): [info]ships_harry
Rating: Definite R, NWS.
Warnings: Possibly dark?
Characters/Pairings: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Media: PS + Tablet
Notes/Comments: Another quick scribble. I think I'm trying to exorcise some of the laborious fest stuff with quick things.
Artbeta? Again, please feel free to point stuff out, but this is essentially a coloured doodle.

(ANOTHER cut to journal. I am Teh Spamster today. Last one, I promise.)

Sep. 7th, 2007


Color Me: Bill/Tonks, PG

Title: Welcome Home
Artist(s): [info]twilightsorcery
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Tonks
Media: Photoshop
Notes/Comments: This was gift art for [info]misfit_ragdoll. I'm sure she'll enjoy seeing it made over in color.

Welcome Home (Bill/Tonks) )

Aug. 25th, 2007


"Color Me" Pirates vs. Ninja

Title: Pirates vs. Ninja Lineart
Artist(s): [info]artisticentropy
Warnings: Nudity, threesome, Adult image
Characters/Pairings Charlie/Tonks/Bill
Media: Photoshop and pen tablet
Notes/Comments: Here's the lineart from my latest Daily Deviant submission. You can view my version of this in color over on [info]daily_deviant

To the lineart - NC-17 - NOT WORK SAFE )

Feel free to color it if you like. I'm submmitting it as a "Color Me" since we don't have any of these yet. :) I'll be compiling a list of all the "color mes" submitted and adding the list to the links on the side. They'll also be marked in memories so if you ever feel like practicing your mad coloring skillz, you know where to go. Once you've colored a "color me" you can post it here for everyone to enjoy, just make sure you've listed the original artist in the heading. :)

November 2009



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