Jan. 11th, 2009


A Festival of Art: slash/femslash

Title: September
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
Medium: Photoshop
Summary: Back-to-school is no longer quite so onerous as it once was.
A/N: Drawn for the </a></strong></a>[info]lupin_snape 2009 Desktop Calendar project.

A Night Out, Delayed
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: G
Characters/Pairing: Snape/Sirius
Summary: "This isn't a problem. Just give me five minutes."
A/N: AU, obviously, with Very 70s Muggle Clothes. drawn for [info]red_day_love

Title: The Gift
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: R, NWS
Characters/Pairing: Millicent/Rosmerta
Summary: Christmas upstairs at the Three Broomsticks
A/N:  drawn for [info]red_day_love

Title: Morning Tea
Artist: [info]zephre
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Summary: a very sepia morning
A/N:  drawn for [info]red_day_love

Dec. 11th, 2007


Pansy/Ginny Fanart (Hard R)

Title: ‘You know what they call a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris?’
Pairing: Ginny/Pansy in Paris
Medium: Colored Pencils, graphite, 2B, 6B pencils. Edited with Open Canvas.
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: femmeslash, nudity, unusual way to ‘utilize’ a wand...
Comments: Ah, Anyone recognize the title?

Royale Cheese @ my ArtWorkJournal [info]sweet_art