Apr. 11th, 2008


*whistling a merry tune* Old man shmoop, anyone?

Title: My Sweet Prince
Artist(s): [info]sh4rds 
Rating: G
Warnings: Hahah, eh, mush?
Characters/Pairings Albus/Gellert
Media: Open Canvas et wacom tablet
Notes/Comments: Recently got my hands on oC, so I decided to play in it a bit. My good mood translted to a piece of mush with no real message but 'awww'. Also, that title? No idea where that came from. And don't worry, the 'old' part of the title is totally a joke.
Artbeta? Nah, not really, this one was pure indulgence. Unless something really gnaws at you, feel free to point that out ;)

I am too lazy to make a thumbnail, so you get a boring fake cut

Dec. 1st, 2007


Art! Three Masters (G)

Title: Three Masters
Artist: [info]xnuinx
Characters: Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, Lily Potter
Rating: G
Media: Sketch and Photoshop
Notes: Severus Snape and his Three Masters. The leading forces and allegiances of his life, the poor guy. The art!bunny for this pic first reared its ugly head in the beginning of November... I think or earlier. And I've finally gotten around to actually doing it.

( The Three Masters of Severus Snape )