October 19th, 2011

[info]blainewarbler in [info]find_players

Glee game looking for...

Hello all! I am Zoe, and I am here on behalf of [info]capital_loser & [info]loserslikeme! We are a brand new Glee game that has been open for about a week/two weeks and we are still in need of plenty of character from writers that are creative and as Gleeky as us! We are a canon based game and will follow along with the show as it progresses through the season; filling out in-between the scenes threads as the episodes air!

RACHEL BERRY: UH, HOW CAN WE EVEN HAVE A GLEE GAME WITHOUT HER? We really need someone to apply for Rachel that knows her back and forth! Rachel is the most accidental hilarious person in the show for me, and I as Blaine want her, as well as the fact that we have a Finn missing his girlfriend and a Kurt missing his current Best Frenemy!

MERCEDES JONES: With so much going on with Mercedes so far this season, how could you NOT want to play her? We need someone to show off just how fabulous she can be! With things heating up with New Direction's rival Glee club, we're definitely going to need a 'Cedes around to light the fire!

ARTIE ABRAMS: We're missing everyone's favorite cripple! With a school musical in the making, and with only one of the co-directors cast, our Emma player is having to do most things on her own! Artie is one of the few New Directions characters not cast, so he'd have plenty of friends to interact with!

DAVID KAROFSKY: I know he's not back in the show just yet, but he will be soon enough and even if you apply for him and wait to bring him in until the show states where he's at in life, that would be amazing! David's bound to have a small arc somewhere this season and Blaine would love to have him around to be cautious of until he changes his ways.

COACH BEISTE: ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. We need her around for adult interaction as well as interactions with her players and those running for Senior Class President! I would literally find a way to kiss the face of anyone that applied for her!

WARBLERS: Other than ex-Warblers, we only have ONE cast! For the love of all that is holy in the Glee world, PLEASE bring your favorite Warblers onto the hold page. BLAINE WANTS HIS WARBLER BUDDIES TO TALK TO, AND ADEN WANTS SOME FUN AS WELL!

[info]derpy_hooves in [info]find_players

Disrupted Harmony

Disrupted Harmony


Everypony has to play or the game is over, and I win.

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Chocolate rain, floating upside down houses, flying earth ponies, sidewalks made of ice. During his brief time back in Ponyville Discord managed to make a mess out of just about everything. He turned a trustworthy pony into a liar, a pony full of laughter into a pony full of bitterness, a generous pony into one of greed, a kind pony into a mean spirit, and a loyal pony into a pony who cared nothing for others. But what was Discord up to while the mane six were distracted? Yes, he watched and enjoyed their conflict. But there were other ponies he could reach and steal their virtues as well, twisting them into something unrecognizable.

Princess Luna was already vulnerable, making her the perfect target. True, she was familiar with Discord and his tactics; She and her sister, Princess Celestia, defeated Discord many years ago and sealed him away in stone. But his words struck close to home. Too close for her to ignore. She was still the princess of night, the thing all the ponies slept through and ignored. She would always play second fiddle to the older, wiser, and more beautiful sister. Everypony would always be afraid of what she had the potential to turn into. The seeds were planted and that was progress enough for Discord.

Even as the stone began covering his body for a second time, the mane six standing before him in defiant victory against his terrible magic, he wondered if it would be discord among the ponies that would break him free again, or would it be a wounded princess, looking to have at least one person who was willing to tell her the truth on her side?

Disrupted Harmony follows the conclusion of the two-part season two premier. Though Discord has been defeated, his effect still lingers on in some of the residents of Equestria. Will harmony reign supreme or will discord find a way to tear apart a peaceful existence?