Apr. 1st, 2013


Exciting new developments (we hope)!

Holy waterproof mascara, is that the time?? You don't pay attention for a year or two and Show-That-Was goes and acquires roughly three dozen babyplots, the lamest rip-off of every dance flick ever, and an unremitting case of continuity amnesia. What else is new.

Anyway! We've noticed a puzzling increase in channel subscriptions lately, which usually has us going, WHAT, WHAT, WHAT DO THEY WANT?! WHY DO THEY SUBSCRIBE?! NOTHING IS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN ON THIS CHANNEL EVER AGAIN!

However, in this case the sudden influx may actually be justified and has us wondering whether certain people have been getting a heads-up! Because - shock, horror, gasp - SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED AND THINGS WILL CHANGE.

In less cryptic words: There is stuff. On the show. That we are actually going to cover. Yikes.

Now before you start squealing, it may not be stuff you actually want to see ;) but we've seen some of it and believe it just might be worthwhile.

The new storyline we're planning to cover revolves around... okay, deep breath... here goes:

Deniz and Katja.

NO, PLEASE DON'T RUN AWAY. We know, we know. It's weird, it's unexpected; it looks like just another step on the endless ladder of denying the history and degaying Deniz; they're friends and as far as anyone knows Katja is not, in fact, a guy. (Although not gonna lie, there's a soapy reveal we could really get behind!)

BUT. From what we've seen and heard, this could oddly work. It's high time both of these characters got a storyline of their own instead of just lurking in the background supporting others, it's the right timing for both of them, and you may not want to hear this but guys, their chemistry is AMAZING. Behold:

 photo Deka_zpsd6378298.jpg

Also, we've been reliably informed that this will be the first of Deniz's post-Roman relationships not mired in crappy revisionist history and that both of the characters' pasts will be explored and play a substantial part in the development of the storyline.

A bit more background on the storyline to catch you up to date:

Deniz has basically had NOTHING to do for well over a year. He's had a lame squicky relationship with the newest Stella incarnation (we refuse to remember her name, she was that inconsequential) who's since left the show; also it's been revealed that his gross one-night stand with Dr Hooker resulted in a baby, but he wasn't even substantially involved in that plot. Dr Hooker and sprog have since left as well. Deniz still works as Richard Steinkamp's intern/assistant/lapdog and otherwise occasionally graces the background as a pretty extra. Yawn.

Katja was raped last year and consequently broke up with Ben because she couldn't cope. She went through a long dreary period of self-harm and depression, then a thoroughly bizarre little shared hallucination where she and Greasy Max thought they were in love with each other. No one was impressed with that development and it was quickly aborted, thank god. Since the show switched to dance as its primary sports focus, she's also had nothing else to do and essentially lurks in the background supporting her friends through their various relationship woes.

The storyline linking her and Deniz will start as a brief fling - Katja thinks she is developing feelings for Ingo (of all people) and is trying to distract herself with Deniz, and they both agree their encounter is a one-time thing and that they are just friends.

 photo DeKa2_zpsb2b1c20b.jpg
"I, uh, may actually be wearing your underwear. Hope you don't mind. Friends?"
"Oh, that's fine! I totally stole your favourite dildo. BFFs 4evs!"

However, they do start spending more time together and there are ACTUAL TALKS about SEXUAL IDENTITY and HISTORY and there are SPARKS, and yeah, we're not promising anything, but this could actually be lovely. So we're giving it a chance and we hope you will, too! It's all kinds of nerve-wracking.

The storyline will kick off in early May and we will start covering it as it airs, perhaps with a (VERY BRIEF) wrap-up vid summarising the developments that lead up to it. (because srsly, we have no interest in covering Katja's crush on Ingo. Urgh.)

We'll keep you updated! Watch this space!

Aug. 11th, 2011


Spoilers: Episodes 1264-1271

*dusts off asylum* How does this work, again?

Ah, yes. I figured since we're uploading the last storyline, I might as well do some spoilers. Not all of them, god beware, just last week's and this week's. Seeing as they're, well, kinda important.

Spoilers here (pictures included now) )

Apr. 12th, 2011


So tonight, this happened...

When we stopped posting episodes a few months ago, we were several thousand short of this milestone. We wondered if we'd ever reach it; if we did, we figured it would take years.

Now, just 3 months later, we're here! And we want to give our heartfelt thanks (with feelings you can feel) to...

...all our lovely Eskimos who have been with us for the whole ride, through all the ups and downs, from Deniz gamboling coltishly across the lawn in ep230 to sweeping Roman away to Hamburg in ep1083. You've brought your snark, tissues, booze, and joy in ample (and of course age-appropriate) measures, and we love you for it!

...all the new viewers who are still discovering this story and finding that it still touches them, even after all this time; and especially those who are still contributing intelligence and snark in the old comment threads, keeping them alive for even more people to stumble upon.

...and of course, everyone involved in creating this story that still appeals to people today, and will hopefully continue to reach new viewers for years to come, and show them that for a time, this show and these storylines were something truly special and unique.

It's an open bar at the Igloo tonight, prosecco's on the house, just mind the glitter!! And careful to stay out of the way of the conga line, those folks are crazy!!

Dec. 28th, 2010


Exciting stuff coming up!!!

...no, not really. I totally lie.

Anyway, RTL.de has posted a snippet about the new AWZ plots coming up in the new year. I thought I'd share, since many people still don't really seem to understand why we're retiring EKP (apparently four months of no DeRo plots weren't enough of a clue!).

And NO, I haven't deliberately left out the DeRo parts, lol. The boys are not featured in the article, because their screentime went to a dog.

I am not kidding about the dog.

Spoilers here )

Dec. 27th, 2010


Eskimo power activate – send us your DeRo stories!

No, we don't mean fanfiction. We've got HoHoHo Fest for that (take as long as you need to appreciate how elegantly we slipped this pimp in here, lol).

As you know, we have wrapped up EKP to focus on other projects, and your outpouring of support, love and understanding has been incredible and humbling to behold. But we're just not quite happy unless we can make a stir, so we're hoping that you'll help us with one last important campaign!

Here's how: )

Dec. 20th, 2010


All Good Things Must Come To An End

Sorry, Eskimos. We just can't take it anymore. THE HAIR. Every time it shows up on screen, coiffed instead of tousled, slicked instead of fluffed, flat instead of gelled, we wail in pain and beat our breasts. And ever since Roman's put his part on the wrong side and Deniz came to eat breakfast before styling his hair, it's just become too much. So we quit. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.

Okay, okay, so we couldn't care less about hair. But while we're joking about the reason, we are, unfortunately, serious about the thing itself: EKP is coming to an end. It's been a hard decision and believe us, we've put it off for as long as we could, but it's also been a while coming.

Here's the deal )

Sep. 21st, 2010


Update – Coming back soon to a YouTube channel near you!

First of all, thanks to all of you who have been patient and supportive during our vacation. It's meant so much to us. You guys are absolute stars!

Unsurprisingly, addicts can't stay away from their crack for too long, so we're planning to resume EKP uploads this weekend (Saturday 25 September) and start catching up on episodes. We've missed subbing, crazy shenanigans in the Igloo and commentspam, so we're very excited to be back!

Here's Wot's Wot: )

Aug. 3rd, 2010


"Best of AWZ" vids backstage at RTL.de

As part of the festivities for the upcoming milestone episode 1000, AWZ is doing a "Best Moments" retrospective in video clips on RTL.de, showing highlights of the show.

Today's starts off with a clip about how Diana and Julian first met (it's worth it just for Diana's horrendous angel wig, trust me).

They'll be adding a new clip every day, so keep checking back if you're interested.

Jul. 24th, 2010


AWZ trivia

In more pimping of the 1000th episode, RTL.de has compiled a list of Interesting Facts and Figures. I'm not including it all (mainly because their definition of "interesting" doesn't mesh well with mine) but here's the fun stuff:

How many Steinkamps does it take to screw in a lightbulb? )