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Jan. 26th, 2010


Stranger things have happened...

Who: Myre, Tseng (aka Wayne, for today), AND WHOEVER WANTS TO DROP BY. :D
When: Prepubescent day
Where: Kitchen, and outside, later. xD; It's a bit cramped in here for Myre
Rating: G
Summary: Look kids! There's a friendly dragon in your kitchen, eating your food!

She could fit down the corridor, but not by much. Glancing back over his shoulder frequently at the dragon at his heels, Wayne couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for her. He gathered she couldn't be very old if she still needed her mom to fetch her food - kinda like baby chicks needed their mother birds to get them worms and stuff (not that there were any birds in Midgar, but he liked to read) - so he was glad he was looking after her.

Wayne paused at the kitchen door, and waited for Myre to catch up.

"So...you eat meat, yeah?" Gosh, in the full light she was even more spectacular. A Dragon. "There should be more ham in the fridge."
Tags: ,

Jan. 23rd, 2010


Stir up the ghosts and serve them|Bitter poison but I'll take them

Who: Aerith, Tseng, (gators)
When: The day of Aerith's arrival. About five minutes after, to be exact.
Where: Tseng's room
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Awkwardness on a GRAND scale plus or minus unintentional fluff.
Summary: Here comes the revelation that Hell really IS apt at cruel and unusual punishments.

If nothing else, a Turk is composed at all times. Nevermind the fires that burn outside or in; everything is a matter of perception. Your mind is the gateway to your actions; you must learn to control your mind. The gate must only open on command; peace of mind equates peace of action. Do not lose control. Anger is your first enemy; sympathy will be your downfall. Assess the situation. Possess it.

Tseng strolled. The doors of the hall went past one by one, each a mental number. One. Four. Five. The world reduced to numerals; there was always order in chaos. His face remained as impassive as it ever was...

...though those who knew him well might notice the odd gleam in his eyes - the one that was almost murderous.

He reached his room, unlocked it with no real haste, closed the door gently behind him. The humidity had ceased to be uncomfortable now; the swamp within the building no longer such an odd sight. People - no, survivers - could get used to anything and everything.

And Tseng was determined to get used to this. He climbed the ladder to the treehouse, movement a little more urgent now that he was away from prying eyes. He knew, as he reached the platform, that the heavy knock of his heartbeat against his chest was not due to physical exertion.


That sounded. Just a little too hopeful to his own ears.

Jan. 13th, 2010


Loyalty is a form of reliance

Who: Reno, Tseng
When: Backdated to Slip Day
Where: A bar
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Language?
Summary: Tseng is doing some prodding into Reno's recent activities.

And not liking what he hears. )

Jan. 8th, 2010


Who: Rufus, Yako, Tseng
When: Gender confusion day, after the group chat in Rufus' room.
Where: Kitchen
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Fluff and stuff?
Summary: Yako is adorable. Rufus is irritated. Tseng is a jerk.

[ooc: Rufus, we can finish the rest of this in AIM and edit this post with the completed conversation when we're done. Yako, we're having this conversation while your back is turned. Make your entrance in your tag. :3]

Home cooking? Are you sure we're not in heaven? )

Jan. 6th, 2010


Girls just wanna have fu-un!

Who: Rufus, Reno, Tseng
When: Gender confusion day
Where: Rufus' Room
Rating: PG for likely boob jokes on Reno's behalf :D
Warnings: Language, and the sheer size of Reno's boobs.
Summary: Let's talk about our feelings in an open and supportive manner... We're all in this together, ladies.

All things considered, it could be worse. Tseng's own...transformation was not nearly as noticeable as Reno's sounded. How this day had affected Rufus was yet to be seen, though the president's usual temperament could hardly be improved by such a change.

Having returned from Emptiness looking presentable once more, and with a few items for Rufus tucked under one arm, Tseng knocked on the other man's door, then waited.

Jan. 4th, 2010


And All My Friends Are Skeletons

Who: Rufus, Tseng
When: Backdated before See No/Hear No/Speak No Evil Day
Where: Rufus' Room
Rating: PG for now
Warnings: Language
Summary: It's time for Rufus and Tseng to have a Come to Jesus. Rufus is not looking forward to it. (Script format, begun in AIM, TBC as tags. Black is Tseng, blue is Rufus.)

(They Beat the Rhythm With Their Bones) )

Oct. 28th, 2009


Who: Reno, Rufus, Tseng
When: Tseng's arrival, and the beginning of Freudian Slip Day.
Where: Front of Niflheim to somewhere in Emptiness
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Language, very likely
Summary: Tseng has appeared now, and wants Rufus and Reno to meet him in front of Niflheim. If only it wasn't slip day...

Have you seen my mouth? It seems to have run away without me. )

[ooc: We're assuming Tseng will be tied up figuring out how to deal with the alligators for a few minutes, and Reno and Rufus can have a little bit of a private chat. So Tseng, we'll tell you when to jump in. ♥ ]