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Dec. 1st, 2010


Trial 4: Niflheim Team 2

After meeting outside Niflheim, Reno and Sam are given a piece of paper with the following cryptic instructions:

A nearby clinic may reveal
A blade that's meant to hurt, not heal

This healing bottle may be found
Where those that intoxicate abound

(ooc: In the clinic that Medusa set up while she was still in Niflheim, there is a dagger. It is ornately decorated and sitting somewhere it obviously doesn’t belong.

A potion bottle will be found in Jones Tavern, in a prominent position among the liquor bottles.

Flauros should be with them, but he seems to be missing.)
Tags: , ,

Oct. 14th, 2010


OPEN LOG - Niflheim

Who: Reno and OPEN
What: Adventures with whatever animals happen to be around Niflheim
When: Zoo escape day
Where: Starting by Reno's room
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Language

Moose are herbivores, by the way )

Sep. 6th, 2010


In an old city bar

Who: Reno and Rude
What: Drinking to the loss
When: September 6th, evening
Where: A bar in emptiness
Rating: TBA
Warnings: Turks drinking, specifically Reno and Rude drinking.

That is never too far from the places that gather the dreams that have been... )

May. 30th, 2010


Trial 3, Second Day: Niflheim Team

Who: Belphegor, Myre, Naoya, Reno, Rufus, Zoe
When: Morning, the second day of the trial
Where: Somewhere in an illusion
What: Trial #3 continues!
Rating: PG-13 as a base estimate--Let me know if I should change it.

And on the second day... )

May. 28th, 2010


Who: Reno, Elena, Rude
When: Just after Rude's arrival
Where: Some bar in Emptiness, nearish Asgard
What: Welcoming a friend
Rating: PG-13 if only for Reno's mouth

aiugaugdoagfvIYfLsyvlawauwfgafvalRUDEISHERE!!!!! )

May. 18th, 2010


Who: Reno and Elena
When: Backdated to a few days after Elena first arrived, after Reno got done trailing Cuthbert and Yako
Where: Some bar in Emptiness
What: Reno and Elena catch up over drinks
Rating: PG-13 if only for Reno's mouth

Been a damn long time... )

May. 17th, 2010


Trial 3 Begins: Niflheim Team

Who: Belphegor, Myre, Naoya, Reno, Rufus, Zoe
When: Morning, the first day of the trial
Where: Somewhere in an illusion
What: Trial #3 is underway!
Rating: PG-13 as a base estimate--Let me know if I should change it.

Some kind of obstacle course )

Apr. 10th, 2010


Who: Reno and any other Niflheimer -- the more the merrier!
When: Picture day, evening
Where: Niflheim's kitchen
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Will post if necessary
Summary: It's a malfunction day. Therefore, the answer to everything is to have a party.

Dance the night away )

Feb. 13th, 2010


I inhale now I'm addicted

Who: Yako, Bert, and Reno for now, but it will be open to certain characters later
When: Love at First Sight Day
Where: The woods near Asgard.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: TBA, but probably not worse than kissing and such
Summary: Yako and Bert broke off their engagement a few days ago, but on the very last day of their camping trip, things heat up.

To this place, to you babe )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Loyalty is a form of reliance

Who: Reno, Tseng
When: Backdated to Slip Day
Where: A bar
Rating: PG13
Warnings: Language?
Summary: Tseng is doing some prodding into Reno's recent activities.

And not liking what he hears. )

Jan. 6th, 2010


Girls just wanna have fu-un!

Who: Rufus, Reno, Tseng
When: Gender confusion day
Where: Rufus' Room
Rating: PG for likely boob jokes on Reno's behalf :D
Warnings: Language, and the sheer size of Reno's boobs.
Summary: Let's talk about our feelings in an open and supportive manner... We're all in this together, ladies.

All things considered, it could be worse. Tseng's own...transformation was not nearly as noticeable as Reno's sounded. How this day had affected Rufus was yet to be seen, though the president's usual temperament could hardly be improved by such a change.

Having returned from Emptiness looking presentable once more, and with a few items for Rufus tucked under one arm, Tseng knocked on the other man's door, then waited.

Dec. 9th, 2009


Trial 3, Day 1: Niflheim Team

Who: Lucifer and Jophiel to start, then Belphegor, Myre, Reno, Rufus, Walter, and Zoe
Where: Starting outside Emptiness, and then as described.
When: December 9th, early afternoon
Ratings: PG, let me know if this needs to be changed
Warnings: None, let me know if this needs to be changed
Summary: Trial 3 begins.

Day 1 )

Oct. 28th, 2009


Who: Reno, Rufus, Tseng
When: Tseng's arrival, and the beginning of Freudian Slip Day.
Where: Front of Niflheim to somewhere in Emptiness
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Language, very likely
Summary: Tseng has appeared now, and wants Rufus and Reno to meet him in front of Niflheim. If only it wasn't slip day...

Have you seen my mouth? It seems to have run away without me. )

[ooc: We're assuming Tseng will be tied up figuring out how to deal with the alligators for a few minutes, and Reno and Rufus can have a little bit of a private chat. So Tseng, we'll tell you when to jump in. ♥ ]

Sep. 26th, 2009


Who: Reno and Rufus
When: After Family Day
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG-13?
Warnings: Probably language, and Rufus being weird?
What: Rufus and Reno have a chat about recent goings-on. ...things can never just be normal around here.

Alright, let's talk )

Sep. 12th, 2009


Niflheim's night out

Who: Reno, Flauros, Belphegor, Midvalley, Yako, Myre, and anyone else who wants to join in. No Asgardian party-crashers allowed! >P
When: Starting at eightish
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG-13? Will change if necessary
Warnings: Language, most likely, and anything else that ensues when Niflheimers get drunk in a group
What: Reno's idea of going to a bar managed to be a popular suggestion.

Forget the caffe latte, screw the raspberry iced tea/A malibu and coke for you, a g&t for me )

[ooc: There are enough people around that keeping to a strict posting order is going to be kind of frustrating, and it's not tremendously important since I don't think anything too plotful is going to happen here. So basically just post as you can, and if you notice someone hasn't said anything for a while, step back and give them an opportunity to jump back in. Hopefully that'll work out well enough.]

Sep. 3rd, 2009


I heard the devil whisper in my ear, he made his message clear when he said:

Who: Rufus ([info]whosoldtheworld) and Reno ([info]itsmydayoff)
When: Late Evening
Where: Niflheim's Training Room
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some language
What: Rufus has had enough of being kicked around, and decides he'd like to brush up on his hand-to-hand. Reno is there to help. Things can never be that simple, though.

Sweep the Leg, Johnny )

Sep. 1st, 2009


Who: Maria, Reno, Rufus, L
When: Late afternoon
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG-13 to be safe
Warnings: None that I can think of
Summary: Maria and Reno meet as they always do, but this time they aren't able to do so unnoticed.

Fancy Meeting You Here! )

Aug. 21st, 2009


At least you're still here...

Who: Reno and Maria
When: Not long after Jophiel's appearance.
Where: Emptiness
Ratings: R (Though the first part is PG/PG-13, something like that. I put in a warning flag in a post, so you could just read up to there if you want)
Warnings: SMUT ALERT and scattered language
Summary: In the wake of all the changes and confusion, Maria clings to Reno for comfort.

You were beside me all around/I know the world is upside down )

Aug. 9th, 2009



Who: Rufus, Jazz, L, Walter, Reno
When: Midday, Malfunction day: DINOSAUR INVASION!
Where: All over the place, but starting on the Niflheim grounds, by the outskirts of the Deadwood, and ending at Looking Glass Lake
Ratings: PG-13
Warnings: Very probably violence and cursing. Definitely this guy.
Summary: It just wouldn't be DINOSAUR INVASION DAY without something extremely large and extremely scary making everybody's lives hell, now would it? >3

I'm thinking I know where and how the chase should end, but I'm throwing it open for suggestions so we can all decide. Any ideas? Discuss here :)

Must go faster. )

Jul. 31st, 2009


Twas The Night Before Marriage

Who: Blythe, Alessa, Yako, Rufus, Reno, and Grimmjow [Closed]
When: Evening after MD, before wedding day
Where: Porch of Asgard
Rating: PG (subject to change)
Warnings: None (subject to change?)
Summary: Blythe finds solace in reading on Asgard's porch while Kain is at his bachelor party. Last thread ever for her - anybody feel free to jump in!

I'm Falling Into Place )

Jul. 25th, 2009


it'll take you all your time and money to keep me satisfied

Who: Rufus ([info]whosoldtheworld), Reno ([info]itsmydayoff), Yako ([info]theculpritis), closed
When: 8:30 AM on July 25th
Where: Niflheim Mansion kitchen
Ratings: PG-13 (for now)
Warnings: Language, possibly violence.
Summary: Early morning = coffee time and conflict. For Reno and Rufus, taking the Road Not Travelled means bad blood.

Do you think you're better ev'ry day? No I just think I'm two steps nearer to my grave )

Jun. 29th, 2009


Meeting in the kitchen

Who: Reno, Rufus, and Yako
When: June 28
Where: Niflheim's Kitchen
Rating: PG
Warnings: None really
Summary: Rufus wants to meet the locals, starting with the girl who identified him so easily, and is having Reno introduce him to people. (Many tags in this first post here. Started on AIM while IJ was being unavailable for hours on end.)

Reno didn't really understand why his boss was incapable of meeting the locals by himself. )

Jun. 27th, 2009


How nice to see a familiar face

Who: Reno and Rufus
When: June 26, after this
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG?
Warnings: None, probably
Summary: Turk and boss, reunited.

Is it you? Is it really you? )

Jun. 17th, 2009


Cross My Heart

Who: Emerald and Reno 
When: tonight, the evening of June 17
Where: Niflheim, and then Emptiness
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Emerald gets the chance to go out for drinks with Reno, but underneath her fun-loving facade she's watching his every move.

Jun. 11th, 2009


The better to take your hair with, my dear...

Who: Reno, Alessa
When: June 7 (Backdated a little, yes)
Where: Emptiness
Rating: PG, probably?
Warnings: None
Summary: With the tournaments going on and him not being involved, Reno is bored. So he's wandering around, vaguely looking for someone he can either hang out with or steal hair from. He finds Alessa.

Sometimes I wish someone out there would find me/Til then I walk alone )

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