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Dec. 28th, 2008


Hanging With The Raisin Girls

Who: Misa and Dorian
Where: Misa's Room
When: Three Days After Christmas
Rating: PG
Warnings: None at the moment
Summary: Dorian is aware that Misa is probably in danger of being killed by Niflheim, and is tired of seeing her running headlong into trouble. Scared for her life, he decides she needs to have a friend to count on in Asgard before it's too late.

How Did I Get To Accident, Emergency? )

Dec. 14th, 2008


This place is so bright and so clean....

Who: Maria and Misa
Where: Asgard Ballroom
When: Shorty after shop announcement
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None right now
Summary: Distracted and trying not to lose herself to the past, Maria heads to the ballroom to work out and figure out what to do with herself.

And I've been looking for a good time; But the pleasures are seldom and few... )

Nov. 30th, 2008


Thread Is Ripping, The Knot Is Slipping... *FINISHED THREAD*

OOC: Apologies, for making a thread like this with two characters who are played by the same hapless person. :/ Over the weekend, I had some extra time and not a lot of internet, so I wrote this.

Who: L and Misa
When: Evening, after L agrees to teach Misa how to actually code things privately.
Where: L's room.
Rating: R
Warnings: Slight language, heavily implied sexuality (fade-to-black, nothing graphic)
Summary: Misa is an incompetent hacker. L feels backed against the wall. Neither of them trust each other, or are trusted by others. It just figures that something like this would happen.

Love is Clockworks, and Cold Steel, Fingers Too Numb to Feel. Squeeze the Handle, Blow Out the Candle... Love is Blindness. )

Oct. 19th, 2008


When You're Sad, And You're Lonely, And You Haven't Got A Friend...

Who:Henry, Misa, and Tohru
When: Several days after Light's death
Where: Starting in the front entry way of Asgard, might go somewhere else.
Rating: G
Warnings: none at the moment
Summary: Misa and Tohru are going to model for Henry!

Just Remember That Death Is Not the End. )

Oct. 16th, 2008


Where Oscars are born...

Who: Jazz, Misa
When: some time after the death of Light
Where: a drive-in cinema in Emptiness
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none at the moment
Summary: Misa is sad about Light's death. Jazz decided to go with her to a movie marathon.

Welcome to Shrine Auditorium )