Oct. 31st, 2013


HP drabble: Sacrificed [Ginny/Harry, general]

Title: Sacrificed
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Ginny/Harry
Rating: general
Length: 100 words
Summary: Harry cannot overcome the past.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 62, "forget". For [info]aome who asked for Harry/anyone for this prompt.

Sacrificed )

Aug. 16th, 2011


HP drabble: Named [Ginny/Harry, general]

Title: Named
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Ginny/Harry
Rating: general
Length: 100 words
Warnings: schmoop
Summary: Ginny has just given birth.
Note: For [info]quill_it, 100.3, prompt 63, "melt".

Named )

Jul. 26th, 2011


HP drabble: Breaking Up [Ginny/Harry, general]

Title: Breaking Up
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Pairing: Ginny/Harry
Rating: general
Length: 100 words
Summary: It may be friendship, but it's not love.
Note: For [info]quill_it prompt 83, "simple".

Breaking Up )

Aug. 8th, 2007


HP drabbles

To call my drabble-muse prolific is an understatement. I've written over a hundred HP drabbles to date, so instead of killing myself posting all the old ones individually, I shall here provide links to the general-rated old ones: gen, het, poly, and slash. The adult-rated drabbles may be found behind the cut below, as I can't link directly due to the way that security works at Wellinghall on adult-rated stories. The adult drabbles include het, poly, and slash (femslash, even!).

HP drabbles -- general rated, genfic

HP drabbles -- general rated, het

HP drabbles -- general rated, poly

HP drabbles -- general rated, slash

HP drabbles with adult rating )


HP fic: [info]100quills entries, part 1 [Harry, various others, adult]

Title: [info]100quills entries
part 1 (first 25)
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: HP
Characters: Harry, various others
Rating: adult (a handful of them)
Warnings: occasional bondage, exhibitionism/voyeurism, poly relationships
Summary: Drabbles and ficlets written for [info]100quills. Harry was my subject, and I worked from a prompt table of 50 words to write these. Pairing (if any) and prompt are noted immediately after the title for chapter, in italics. Most chapters are general in rating, but a few are adult and are so noted. Likewise the warnings apply only to a handful of chapters.

100quills )

June 2018




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