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Jun. 29th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Never Go Easy [Kirk/McCoy, adult]

Title: Never Go Easy
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: adult
Length: 3362 words
Warnings: language, oral sex
Summary: McCoy isn't sure what he wants, and Kirk's actions don't really help.
Note: Seventh in the "Heart of the Matter" series. Title taken from the song "The Lesson of Love" by The Dream Academy.

Never Go Easy )

#6: Curtains Are Pulled Back | #8: Fools Rush In

Jun. 24th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Curtains Are Pulled Back [Kirk/McCoy, adult]

Title: Curtains Are Pulled Back
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: adult
Length: 2958 words
Warnings: language, sexual situations
Summary: Kirk isn't accustomed to being nervous about sex.
Note: Sixth in the "Heart of the Matter" series. Chapter title from the Duran Duran song "Last Chance on the Stairway."

Curtains Are Pulled Back )

#5: Under Quiet Attack | #7: Never Go Easy

Jun. 20th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Under Quiet Attack [Kirk/McCoy, general]

Title: Under Quiet Attack
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating: general
Length: 2615 words
Warnings: some language
Summary: Kirk has insisted on talking, but McCoy dreads the conversation.
Note: Fifth in the "Heart of the Matter" series. Thanks to [info]aome for the series title suggestion! The title of this fic is taken from the Duran Duran song "Finest Hour."

Under Quiet Attack )

#4: Process of Deduction | #6: Curtains Are Pulled Back

Jun. 17th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Process of Deduction [Kirk/McCoy, general]

Title: Process of Deduction
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy (preslash)
Rating: general
Length: 2306 words
Summary: Kirk puts his mind to work to figure out who could possibly be the object of McCoy's affections.
Note: Fourth in the "Heart of the Matter" series.

Process of Deduction )

#3: Resolved on Silence | #5: Under Quiet Attack

Jun. 8th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Resolved on Silence [Kirk/McCoy, general]

Title: Resolved on Silence
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy (preslash)
Rating: general
Length: 2210 words
Warnings: a wee bit of swearing, angst
Summary: McCoy determines on a strategy to keep his secret from Kirk.
Note: For [info]emiime, just because. Third in the "Heart of the Matter" series. Er - I now think at least two more installments are going to be necessary, as McCoy is a stubborn bastard.

Resolved on Silence )

#2: Contents Under Pressure | #4: Process of Deduction

Jun. 4th, 2009


Star Trek fic: Contents under Pressure [Kirk/McCoy, general]

Title: Contents under Pressure
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy (preslash), Kirk/OFC implied
Rating: general
Length: 1990 words
Warnings: language, implied sex
Summary: Kirk wants to know why McCoy ran out last night.
Note: For [info]inell, who writes such wonderful Kirk POV fic. Second in the "Heart of the Matter" series.

Contents under Pressure )

#1: Bullshit, Medically Speaking | #3: Resolved on Silence

Jun. 1st, 2009


Star Trek fic: Bullshit, Medically Speaking [Kirk/McCoy, adult]

Title: Bullshit, Medically Speaking
Author: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy (preslash)
Rating: adult
Length: 1332 words
Warnings: unrequited lust, wanking
Summary: Kirk really thinks McCoy needs to relax.
Note: First ST fic, yeah. There will probably be at least two follow-ups to this one. ETA: First in the "Heart of the Matter" series.

Bullshit, Medically Speaking )

| #2: Contents Under Pressure

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