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Posts Tagged: '%7Ejames+norrington'

Sep. 26th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Open to all.
Where: Bathsheba and the carnival lot outside Enid.
When: Wednesday (slightly backdated).
What: Rescue mission.
Warnings: Violence and probably language.

Read more... )

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Afternoon, outside Enid general store. [Open to those missing!]

[Dropped into town by other carnival roustabouts, James had a little over an hour or two to purchase some of what was on a small list before the truck would return to collect him. He'd had mostly small requests from fellow carnival dwellers His volunteering was mostly due to attempting to assist in the recovery of those they hadn't yet seen, some hadn't been seen since the dust storm. Not that he really expected to see them, but he hoped, perhaps there might be something. Not caring for the looks it might warrant, in addition to his dusty clothing James had donned his navy coat despite the heat, mostly to hide the cutlass at his belt

He lingered outside the little town's general store with a long sigh out, examining the list in his hands before tucking it away in a pocket. Glancing up again idly he looked out to the main street, which was littered rather sparsely with people.]

Sep. 8th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Elizabeth Swann and James Norrington
Where:Near the Elephant
When: Sunday before the Big Top Performance
What: A reunion! Of sorts :)
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing

We're devils and black sheep and really bad eggs )