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Posts Tagged: '%7Ened'

Oct. 24th, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO: Jonas and Ned, OTA
WHAT: Milking a Bovine 101
WHERE: Near the cook tent
WHEN: Midafternoon, present.
WARNINGS: Jonas doesn't swing that way, so probably not.
STATUS: Open and in progress.

I couldn't be harder than milking the goat, right? )

Oct. 16th, 2013


The Cookhouse. Breakfast, Wednesday morning. [Open to multiple threads.]

[Ned is noticeably more cheerful as he helps to serve breakfast this morning. He'd been quiet since their ..dramatic exit from Empire City, but his endeavour to leave the tent the day before to wash his clothes appears to have done him some good. Or maybe it's the pecans. Ned has plans for those pecans beyond the porridge he's currently serving. There's some molasses in it as well.]

Enjoy. [He smiles. It's not a completely happy Ned smile, but it's an improvement.]

Oct. 15th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Nate and OTA
Where: Around the stunt cyclists' trailer
When: Morning
What: Nate decides to sketch the layout.
Warnings: None?
Status: Incomplete

It was calming to get back to one of the things he does best. )

Oct. 12th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Ned, the 'six-legged' cow and OPEN!
Where: Somewhere between the entrance to the main lot and the back lot.
When: Saturday during all the commotion.
What: Ned is a bit freaked out by the whole angry mob and bumps into someone on his retreat back to the cookhouse.
Warnings: None.
Status: Ongoing.

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Oct. 11th, 2013


Kitchen area of the Cookhouse. Early hours of Thursday morning. [Private]

[As has become custom almost since his arrival at the carnival, Ned can be found in the kitchen area of the Cookhouse preparing for another night of pie making. He is reminded of his time at the Longborough School for Boys where he also spent lonely nights baking pie. This is not a time he wishes to be reminded of, however, and perhaps as an indirect result of finding himself reminiscing on such a time, the piemaker absently knocks a stack of pans to the ground. Not really one to curse, he simply sighs and goes about retrieving the fallen pans.]

Oct. 10th, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Ned the piemaker.
Where: The kitchen area of the Cookhouse.
When: Backdated to very early on Sunday (5th).
What: Stress baking.
Warnings: None.
Status: Narrative, complete.

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Oct. 3rd, 2013


[No Subject]

Who: Ned and OPEN!
Where: The back lot somewhere.
When: Early Thursday morning.
What: Ned arrives, panics and yells. Someone hopefully calms him down.
Warnings: None as of yet.
Status: Ongoing.

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