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Aug. 17th, 2010


after the battle

who: Jaehaerys, William, Selester, Tyrith, Aeria, Arrys, Rhaeys,
where: the Dornish Marches
when: Sept 20, just after the attack
rating: PG-13
status: closed. ask to join.

 The smells of blood, death, and burnt flesh wafted on the breeze. The dragons wouldn't need to be fed this night. In his pavilion the king paced across the Myrish carpets, unable to bear being still. In the center of the tent was a low table, where his counselors and the greatest lords of his party were gathered. The Wardens of South and West and North, and the heir to the East. House Martell was represented by his mother, with Jonath Rowan at her back, his sword loose in its scabbard. Only houses Baratheon and Tully were missing from this assemblage of the great houses. Jaehaerys glanced once at his uncle before he spoke.

"There is no mystery as to who attacked us. I saw the Valyrian blade, Dawn. I have fought against Ryan Dayne before, in tourneys. What we need to know is why he did this. And whether he had leave to do so." He looked at his mother. Her face was pale as death, her eyes downcast, and he wondered what she was thinking. Did she expect to leave this tent alive tonight?

Jaehaerys looked around at the nobles gathered before him. "There must be a price paid for the blood spilled today. What do you all wish for it to be?" Let them speak, let them cry out. He would hear them, but he knew that cost was already determined: blood much pay for blood. There would be no treaties this time.

Aug. 14th, 2010


In which the Sun beats down mercilessly and advances over a field of Flowers

Who: EVERYONE who is south with the king
Where: Dornish marches, west of the Boneway
When: Sept 20
Rating: R
Status: OPEN

Ryan Dayne's horce pawed the turf ferociously, as if sensing his master's impatience. Around him were a full two-score more mounted knights, witha meager baggage train guarded by foot-soldiers of House Dayne behind. Perhaps somewhat oddly, the boy picked to carry the colors bore two pennants upon his lance.

First, of course, flew the sun-and-spear of House Martell, his liege-lord and master. But under the sun-and-spear flew the sigil of the Daynes, a sword and a falling star on a field of lavender. Both pennants were flown proud and high, and the small collection of Dornish cavalry chomped at the bit.

"Damn him." swore Ryan, second child and eldest male, the family greatsword Dawn at his side. "I was told he would be here. Today is the day, now is the time." he grumbled to his squire, a boy filled with long-suffering resignation to his position. "These pigs, these Florents, Baratheons, Targaryens, they'd all conspired together. ALL OF THEM. And now Princess Elia is dead. Prince Myrwin gravely wounded. Aeria held prisoner. These INSULTS to Dorne WILL NOT BE BORNE!" he bellowed, invoking a lusty cheer in the men who waited behind him.

"Today, we will send a message to ALL the Houses. That Dorne stands Unbowed! Unbent! Unbroken! And we will NOT BE DENIED!" he screamed, waving his family's ancestral greatsword in the air to rally his men. "Let us RIDE! Follow me, my brothers, and we shall send these marcher pigs a bloody lesson!" he said, sheathing his sword and putting his spurs to his horse to leap into a gallop, heading north out of the marcher mountain passes down to the fertile valleys below.

Aug. 3rd, 2010


a king and his guardsmen

who: Jaehaerys, Prosperyn, Tybalt?
when: August 22, afternoon after Daenyra's arrival
where: Summerhall, the royal chambers
rating: R
status: closed

Aug. 1st, 2010


these pieces that remain - william, jaehaerys

Who: Jaehaerys, William
Where: Summerhall, the king's chambers
When: Aug 21, late evening - after the maester's visit
Status: Closed.
Rating: R

these fragments have we shored against our ruin )

Jul. 29th, 2010


at the ending of the day - Jaehaerys, npc's

Who: Jaehaerys, Maester Allyns (NPC), Jahar Xhe (NPC)
Where: Summerhall, the king's chambers
When: Aug 21, late evening
Status: Closed, complete log
Rating: R

Jul. 22nd, 2010


walking nightmares.

Who: Genna, Jaehaerys, NPC Kingsguard
Where: Summerhall, random hallway
When: August 19, laaate. like if we had actual clocks it would be Aug 20.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Ask if you want to join.

Jul. 21st, 2010


if you want an audience...

who: Jaehaerys, ?
where: the king's study, Summerhall
when: Aug 20, afternoon
rating: PG
status: OPEN

((i know a couple people need to talk to Jaers one-on-one in official capacity: Selester, William, etc; just tag in in separate threads and we'll figure it out, ok?))

Jul. 18th, 2010


the kids are all right

who: Jaehaerys, Genna, Ned?
where: Summerhall, the dragon pens
when: Aug 16, midday
status: Closed, ask before joining
rating: pg-13

Jul. 13th, 2010


how did we get here? - Jaehaerys, Aeria.

Who: Jaehaerys, Aeria
Where: Summerhall, the King's Chambers
When: a little while after the Small Council ends their session.
Status: Completed solo log.

Jul. 9th, 2010


let's talk...

who: Elia, Jaehaerys
when: the night before the party (aka two days before the joust)
where: Elia's chambers
status: closed, ask before joining. :)
rating: PG-13 to start


who: Daenyra and open
where: Summerhall, receiving courtyard
when: A week after Elia's death
rating: PG?  Probably?
status: Open!


Jul. 7th, 2010


A Dragon’s Comfort

Who: Jaehaerys and Aenyris
When: After the Feast
Where: His bedroom
Rating: R!
Status: Closed

Let Me Warm Your Heart. Dragon's Don't Take Well To Ice. )


A Council Meeting

Who: Small Council, those involved in Elia’s Investigation
When: Five days after Elia’s Death
Where: Conference Rom
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed

Tell Me You've Found Something.... )

Jul. 6th, 2010


secrets and spies

Who: Jaehaerys, Tyrith
Where: Summerhall, the king's chambers
When: The day after Lya and Baelor bring in the body
Rating: PG-13
Status: CLOSED. completed log.

Jul. 1st, 2010


the strangest feast

Who: Jaehaerys, Everyone who's in Summerhall. 
When: The day of the tourney, that evening.
Where: Summerhall, the great hall.
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN.

Jun. 30th, 2010


in the quiet before the storm

Who: Jaehaerys, ?
Where: Summerhall, the garden
When: after the body is found, late afternoon
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN.

Jun. 27th, 2010


Jaers/Aeny : this wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Who: Jaehaerys, Aenyris
When: after the joust 
Where: Summerhall, Aenyris' rooms
Rating: R
Status: Closed. 

Jun. 10th, 2010


Who: William, Jaehaerys
Where: Jaehaerys' rooms, Summerhall
When: During the joust.
Rating: PG-13/R
Status: Closed closed closed. Unless you really want to risk the Targaryen temper...?

Jun. 5th, 2010


Who: Jaehaerys, open
When:the second day of the tourney, morning. ie: about the time Wiliam's talking to Rhaeys and a bit after
Where: Summerhall, the tournament grounds
Rating: PG-13
Status: Open.

May. 10th, 2010


it's been a long trip

who: Jaehaerys, OPEN
where: Summerhall, a garden 
when: not long after the arrival of the court
rating: PG
status: open 

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