Aug. 14th, 2010


In which the Sun beats down mercilessly and advances over a field of Flowers

Who: EVERYONE who is south with the king
Where: Dornish marches, west of the Boneway
When: Sept 20
Rating: R
Status: OPEN

Ryan Dayne's horce pawed the turf ferociously, as if sensing his master's impatience. Around him were a full two-score more mounted knights, witha meager baggage train guarded by foot-soldiers of House Dayne behind. Perhaps somewhat oddly, the boy picked to carry the colors bore two pennants upon his lance.

First, of course, flew the sun-and-spear of House Martell, his liege-lord and master. But under the sun-and-spear flew the sigil of the Daynes, a sword and a falling star on a field of lavender. Both pennants were flown proud and high, and the small collection of Dornish cavalry chomped at the bit.

"Damn him." swore Ryan, second child and eldest male, the family greatsword Dawn at his side. "I was told he would be here. Today is the day, now is the time." he grumbled to his squire, a boy filled with long-suffering resignation to his position. "These pigs, these Florents, Baratheons, Targaryens, they'd all conspired together. ALL OF THEM. And now Princess Elia is dead. Prince Myrwin gravely wounded. Aeria held prisoner. These INSULTS to Dorne WILL NOT BE BORNE!" he bellowed, invoking a lusty cheer in the men who waited behind him.

"Today, we will send a message to ALL the Houses. That Dorne stands Unbowed! Unbent! Unbroken! And we will NOT BE DENIED!" he screamed, waving his family's ancestral greatsword in the air to rally his men. "Let us RIDE! Follow me, my brothers, and we shall send these marcher pigs a bloody lesson!" he said, sheathing his sword and putting his spurs to his horse to leap into a gallop, heading north out of the marcher mountain passes down to the fertile valleys below.

Jul. 27th, 2010


There's just too much that time cannot erase

Who: Toria Lannister and OPEN to Lannisters, Starks and people who have access to/reason to visit the Lannister guest rooms in Summerhall
When: Afternoon
Where: Toria's room
What: Toria's working on the music piece Jaehaerys asked her to compose in Elia's honour
Rating: PG more than likely
Status: Ongoing/Open

Your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone )

(ooc: Guess what song came on while I was writing this? Winamp is psychic, apparently)

Jun. 30th, 2010


in the quiet before the storm

Who: Jaehaerys, ?
Where: Summerhall, the garden
When: after the body is found, late afternoon
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN.


yet another martell party!

Who: Elia, OPEN
Where: Summerhall, Elia's chambers
When: the night before the joust
Rating: PG-13
Status: OPEN

Apr. 18th, 2010


A late-nite visit from the Lioness to the Sun

Who: Myrwin Martell, Toria Lannister
When: May 27th, evening
Where: The Red Keep, Myrwin's chamber
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed

Strangers in the night, bearing pillows... )

Mar. 15th, 2010


May 21: Party In the Kingswood

Who: Elia, and any of her friends or acquaintances (or anyone of suitable rank really) who wishes to come along, and possibly a KG or two
When: May 21, noon
Where: The Kingswood
What: Hanging out in the woods. Drinking. A lot.
Rating: PG
Status: OPEN

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Who: William Stark and Family, and Those who received the Invitation to Be here
When: May 10, sundown
Where: Tower of the Hand.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed to Those Invited, sorry!

Family Reunion )

Feb. 8th, 2010


May 7: The Melee

Who: Everyone
What: The melee
Where: Tourney grounds, The Red Keep
Rating: PG-13/R for violence
Status: OPEN.

Note: You can reply here for threading or put the threads in separate posts- just link back to this one and comment here with a link to the thread/log. And make sure to try to keep track of what everyone else is doing?
The winners of the different events are found here.

The day dawned cool and warm, the dew lingering as the sun rose in the sky over the tourney grounds, and the city rushed from its slumber with the excitement of the blood about to be spilled, the glories about to be won. The creak of leather and the crash of metal drowned out any songs but their own as the knights and princes of the land began to assemble. Teams drew to their respective sides of the field to face one another, in all too convincing mockery of the armies they would so easily become…

Pennants danced in the breeze, colors bright as the ideals they promised their owners would uphold, as around the edges of the field, the noble audience filled their accustomed seats. They lounged in their boxes, raised above the commoners, their laughter a strange counterpoint to the clash of swords and armor as the shadows of the last years were kept at bay with wine and merriment.

These were the days that songs were written of.

Dec. 19th, 2009


Who: Toria Lannister and OPEN
What: Toria's going for a walk around the castle grounds
Where: The Red Keep, outdoors
When: May 2nd, afternoon
Status: Ongoing, open
Rating: PG for now

Verbal dancing was always more interesting than normal dancing, in Toria's opinion )

Dec. 17th, 2009


Who: Tyrith Lannister
What: being annoyed with the state of the world
Where: The Red Keep, the Lannister quarters.
When: May 1, evening
Status: Open to the other Lannisters.
Rating: PG