May 19th, 2018





Who: Loki
What: Narrative - the Great Bleedover takes no prisoners.
When: May 19th, a little after midnight.
Rating/Warning: Red. IW spoiler.
Note: the God of Mischief will be AWOL after this narrative. Part 1 of 2 - [part two link].

I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't, so here's to drinks in the dark at the end of my road. )




Who: Stephen Strange, Gamora, Peter Quill, Mantis, Drax
What: Guardians reunion!
When: [backdated] sometime earlier this week.
Rating: Green, language

His chi needed realigning and that was a real thing, Bruce Lee said so. )




Who: Stephen Strange
What: Bleedover! Seeking out the disturbance in the force this universe. Someone nearly has his brain broken.
When: Saturday around 2 AM in NYC, 2 PM in Mongolia
Rating: Green

'We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.' )




Who: Tony and Pepper
What: rude awakenings. Bleedover!
When: overnight Saturday 5/19, during the super storm.
Rating/Warnings: Green

Oh my god. Are you alright? What's going on? )



Nightmares x 2

Who: Peter and Gamora
What: Bleedovers!
When: Friday night, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green

I am not going back to sleep only to dream of some alternate fate again and again. You can sleep if you want, I'll wait until morning. )




Who: Nick Fury
What: Narrative
When: Early Saturday morning, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green

The first sign he had was the loud pop he heard from the television. )




Who: Wanda & Pietro Maximoff
What: I walked with you once upon a dream.
When: 19 May, morning
Rating/Warning: Green. Mild Infinity War spoilers.

I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream )




Who: Peter Parker
What: Go Go Gadget Spidey Sense
When: 20 May, early morning
Rating/Warning: Green. Infinity War spoilers.

...the creepy noseless alien wanted his necklace... )




Who: Jane Foster and (potentially) OPEN
What: A dream of the Aether and trip to the lab
When: Sat May 19: 3 am going into full morning
Rating/Warning: Green

The power of the Aether burned through Jane's veins )




Who: The Revengers
When: At some point Saturday
What: Bleedoverrrr
Rating/Warning: Green. Infinity War Spoilers!

at the end of all hope )




Who: Drax and Mantis
What: Bleedovers!
When: Friday night, during the storm.
Rating/Warning: Green.

Wrinkly old man balls. )




Who: Loki
What: Big Trouble in little Dark World. Proxima and Cull and the Tesseract. Oh my.
When: very soon after the bleedover. It's the aftermath!
Rating/Warnings: Green, some IW spoilers
Notes: Part 2 of 2 - [part one]

Retrieve it or die. )