May. 28th, 2008


Getting Started!

Below is the hopefully exhaustive list of what we need you to do in order to get a character approved and set up for play in the comm. Please read carefully and follow all the steps, it'll make it easier on all of us. If you need help figuring anything out or brainstorming how to make a character fit the game feel free to contact the mods.

1. First and foremost, please read the premise and  rules to make sure this is the game for you. 

2. Pick a character. Go here to make sure they're available and then reserve them in the format requested. Remember, you can draw from any 'verse as well as from other games or personal AUs and multiple incarnations of the same character are more than welcome.

3. Next go here to find  the application/character sheet. Fill it out and post it to a personal or character journal and post a link as a reply to the post. The mods will try to get back to you within two days but please remember we all have real lives and sometimes they get hectic. If you haven't heard back from us within five days, though, please give us a nudge to make sure we didn't somehow miss your application.

4. Once you're approved please create a character journal (if you haven't already) and post your finished app/character sheet (minus samples as well as email/IM information if you prefer not to have that public) to the userinfo and request membership to after_the_fall and atf_ooc. Those bringing characters from AMX, please have separate journals for your AMX and ATF versions.

5. Next post to the flocked player list with your contact information so your fellow players can get in touch with you to set up scenes.

6. Once you've been accepted please reply to this post with your PB/avatar choice. Please make sure that they have not already been claimed and remember that movie PBs are reserved for movie characters. Only characters who would require significant photo-manipping may use comic scans, though feel free to go crazy with photoshop if you have the skills. All characters may use a few comic scans on occasion, but please stick mostly to your PB.

7. Next, please go to the friend all button and reply in the format provided.

8. Before posting, please make sure you have read the cut tag/warning post.

9. Go to this post and request a tag for your character. Tags make it possible to find all the threads by any given character in the IC comm, please be sure to request a tag and use it on ALL IC posts.

10. Also (yes, the list does go on) you'll need to go here to pick a room. This is done IC on a first come, first served basis, but we need a rep here once your character has chosen a room so we can make sure it gets on the map. If you're going to be sharing a room please make sure you have the permission of all other characters/players in the room.

11. Next, please reply herewith any and all dates important to your character. This should definitely include their birthday and the date of their arrival in the game as well as any other dates you deem important - anniversaries, deaths of friends or relatives, etc.

12. And another! Go here to give us a brief rundown of your character's experience. Assume they will have been asked for this IC by one of the group's de facto leaders for reference in setting watches and assigning/suggesting how they can contribute.

13. And speaking of watches! One last handy linky to rep to. Go here to request to be put on a watch if your character would volunteer for a rotation IC. It might take a little while to rearrange the schedule to accommodate new characters, especially if a few come in at once, but that would be the case IC as well and we'll get back to you or post a new watch list as soon as it's been updated.

14. Now you're ready to go! We're asking that you please start off with a third person arrival post (in the comm, please, not your character journal). Keep in mind that your character will possibly be arriving with others, check with the mods to find out if this is the case. If you have an AMX character, please check the escape summary for important details and check with the mods if you have any questions.