Oct. 26th, 2009


Who: Joe and Aislin
Where/When: In a corridor during his Head Boy Duties.
Summary: It's Peanut Buttah Yelling time!
Rating: TBD

Joe and Aislin: FIGHT! )

Oct. 18th, 2009


Who: Nemo, Joe and Leroy
Where/when: Gryffindor Common Room/ Late night
Summary: Tormenting Nemo

Boys will be Boys )

Oct. 11th, 2009


Who: Ceridwyn Boot and Joe Dawlish
When: Saturday night
Where: Hallways
Rated: PG-13? maybe idk.

Read more... )

Sep. 20th, 2009


Head's at Work!

Who: Joseph Dawlish & Rose Weasley!
When/Where: 19th of December, doing Head Boy & Girl duties together around Hogwarts!
Rating: Well, Joe's involved so that probably means PG-13. Haha :P.
Summary:  Doing Head Boy and Girl rounds

Sep. 17th, 2009


Talent Show 2023!

The talent show took place between 7pm-9pm in the Great Hall. Professor Pucey played the announcer and gave humorous introductions to each student performing. The line up was as follows..

Camilla Dust
Isabella Barbary
Leroy Jenkins and Joe Dawlish
Mallory Little
Nemo Oddpick
and various other students.

If you hadn't had your character sign up before and would have liked them to have done something, go ahead and post below. For all the ones that did perform, also post below a kinda OOC review of what they did and what not. Just so everyone knows and can made any sort of comments they'd like in their journals.

Sep. 11th, 2009


Who: Joe and Aislin (Adult style)
Where/When: Abandoned corner of the library
Rating: TBD
Summary: Joe has a confession
Status: Incomplete

His stomach was turning with nerves as he waited for Aislin in the library. This was all a big prank and he wondered if he'd done it to himself. He couldn't remember anything about putting a potion in anything. It didn't make any sense, but here he was with nothing and no one to blame.

Still, there was the matter of having to tell Aislin of what their future held and he wasn't looking forward to it. How could he possibly burst any bubble she might have about them? With a sigh, he rested his head on the cool wood of the table.

Sep. 5th, 2009


Who: Joseph and Aislin
Where/When: Joe's circus room, Saturday afternoon
Rating: TBD
Summary: Aislin needs to ponder some things and stop being a jealous girlfriend because it's not her style.

You know that I could use somebody )

Aug. 28th, 2009


Who: Joseph and Aislin
When/Where: Hiding in his circus on a Friday evening.
Summary: Time to find him.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Save a circus. Ride a Lion Tamer. )

Aug. 25th, 2009


Who: Joe and Aislin
Where: Outside the Hufflepuff common room.
Rating: TBD
Summary: Joseph has collected her knickers in exchange for a kiss.

Having finally come into contact with the one and only pair of infamous Aislin knickers, Joseph felt like it was his lucky day. He'd finally be able to talk the insane piece of woman into kissing him. And then all would fall into place and they'd live happily ever after.

At least..... That's what he was hoping for.

Stuffing his hand in his pocket to feel the material of the knickers, Joe leaned against the wall and waited for Aislin to arrive.

Aug. 24th, 2009


Panty Ransom!

Who: Wesley East, Joseph Dawlish & girls who want their knickers back.
When: After he's finished collected all of the loose underclothings from around the school.
Rating: Pg-13?
Summary: After spending the night collecting up all of the girls things he could find, Wesley holds them ransom, hoping for a prize for being the hero!


Who: Aislin Connolly & Joseph Dawlish
Where/When: Library, evening
Rating: PG
Summary: Aislin is doing homework/looking for something to keep Peeves out of people's knickers and Seph moseys along to be annoying show her something awesome!
Status: Complete

it's not fair just let me correct it, don't wanna live a life that is comprehensive )

February 2024



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