Mar. 13th, 2008


Week 16

Ever have one of those Wednesdays where you spent all day thinking it's Tuesday? And then you wake up the next day and go "Holy shit it's Thursday?"? That would be me yesterday (and hence the lack of prompts, whoops).

Here are the prompts for this week. Remember that the submissions can be any length, but must be posted on their specified day by 11:59 PM EST. If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please leave it as a comment (comments will be screened).

Thursday March 13, 2008: High Seas adventure
Friday March 14, 2008: School festival
Saturday March 15, 2008: Morning Wake-up
Sunday March 16, 2008: Television show
Monday March 17, 2008: Written Diary
Tuesday March 18, 2008: Home Cookin'
Wednesday March 19, 2008: Sports

Week 17 Challenge! Sign up for next week's challenge: Romance

A note about challenges: I'm thinking of changing them to two weeks instead of just one - you can still sign up for just one week or the other (or none), but this will be an option for those who want to write for both. This will also get rid of the "free" week in between challenges. I'm also planning, at some point, on recycling some of the previous prompts that haven't been written before (I can only be creative for so long... >_>)
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