X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - November 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 17th, 2008

Okay... [Nov. 17th, 2008|09:16 pm]


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Recently we've lost a few members via busy schedules and personal business. Dan can now be counted among those individuals. While this isn't crippling to the game (as he only plays one or two active characters), it pisses me off. So... any helpful suggestions to get some new life would be savvy. After all is said and done, (almost) everyone that opposed a restart is gone. I just feel like no one wants to join in something that's so convoluted. Hellz. Sorry to be kind of a downer. I just want to see some activity and have a plot that produces cooperation and muses and plot bunnies and all that other fun crap. Thoughts?

FYI - I'm really depressed, so non-perky constructive criticism should be left out. >_< Just sayin'.

Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.


P.S. After talking with Leigh, a restart seems a little more possible. Maybe right after X3. Jean crawls out of the coffin. Scott pops back into existence and wanders. Logan comes back/remains to deal with the Jean revival. Storm/Kurt have Harmon, as Kurt hasn't left as is "canon" post-X2. Rogue didn't take the Cure. Iceman and Kitty are flirty, but mutant rights and issues are in a worse upheaval now than before and Kitty is concerned. Beast and Magneto are alive and well. Eh?
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