X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 19th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 19th, 2008

Hi I'm new! [Oct. 19th, 2008|08:49 pm]
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[Current Mood | accomplished]

Hi! I'm new! My name is Mary and I live in Germany (but I'm not German). I'm a soldier by trade with a current cushy assignment so gaming is a good way to pass the time. I love the X-Men, exploring Europe, reading, writing, and jdramas. I've been shopping for a good X-Men game for a long time. Lili pointed me in the direction of this place.

I bring to you Shiro Yoshida AKA Sunfire. He's 21 and still taking High School classes. I mention the latter because some people may find it weird. He's Japanese, his father a UN ambassador. Since his father was gone most of the time and his mother died, Shiro spent a lot of time with his mutant hating Uncle. When his powers manifested at 16, he ran away from home in fear of his Uncle's reaction and joined Japan's underground scene as a "fighter for hire" going from gang to gang, where ever there was money or something to do. His father looked for him but when he found out his son was a mutant, he contacted Xavier Institute and they helped him locate Shiro. That is his basic history which Sunfire will probably only tell in bits while really drunk.

Personality-wise, I was highly influenced by Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender (hit me if you want). He's hot tempered, speaks out when he probably shouldn't, and overly sensitive taking most things personally. On the good side, he's loyal once you get passed his trust barrier and he can't stand to see people be picked on. He's a decent fighter, having been in kendo and karate classes since the age of 6. However, due to his temperament, his impatience gets to him so holds him back a little. It also doesn't help he gets frustrated a lot. I wouldn't like to call him a loose cannon... but yeah, he is a loose cannon. Everything else is located on my profile if you choose to read it. I'm so excited! Yay!

Well, I LOVE plot so if you want to plot with me, drop me a line at my AIM psionickender.
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Minor news. More to come. [Oct. 19th, 2008|09:03 pm]


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Retcon! )
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Minor news, take 2. This was the "more to come". [Oct. 19th, 2008|11:46 pm]


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Retcon! )
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Journal Entries [Oct. 19th, 2008|11:49 pm]


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EDIT For the record, here's a list of people who have the Upir Virus: Aegis, Beast, Colossus, Mars, Northstar, Psylocke, Sebastian Shaw (and others in the HFC), Shadowcat, Storm, Nightshade, Zap. Possible vampires: Avalanche, Mystique, you? Finally, here are some links pertaining to the Upir Virus and our vampires, etc...

All About Our Vampires
OOC Vampires Tag

Hello! I've updated the "how to label your threads" entry to include an outline for journal entries as well. See that here: How To Label Your Threads.

I log all of the journal entries to keep track of them, and update once in a while to the OOC with a list of them and links to help promote. :) See that page here: Journal Entries.

I also wanted to remind folks to use the TAGS system. And please don't feel the need to get descriptive with your tags. In the OOC, your name works fine. In the IC communities, your characters' codenames work fine. I'd prefer keeping things simple, because if everyone adds random descriptive tags to ic and ooc posts, there might be three tags for the same type of thread: "romance," "love," "fluff." You know. All mean the same thing. Not really necessary.


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