X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - October 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 20th, 2008

Attention All Players (Especially New Folks)! [Oct. 20th, 2008|03:19 am]


Please check out the following, both above and below the cut. Thanks! And after you've read, if you have any questions or comments, please post them here. I want to make sure we're all on the same page. I know not everyone has read everything (even if it's just the recent stuff), so I thought this might help.

CURRENTLY; The cure for the virus spawned from the Mutant Cure (as created by Worthington Pharmaceuticals) has been found. The X-Men have been working for several months to seek out and cure all infected humans - single-handedly. Both the government and the Brotherhood are not to be trusted with the 'cure weapons' that were created for the administration of the human cure. The weapons fire rays of radiation - derived from a machine found during a mission to the pentagon - that eliminate the mutated X-Gene virus that resides within normal homo sapiens. Unfortunately, it was created originally as a weapon against mutants (similarly to the Sentinels) and has one of four effects on homo superiors: loss of mutation, evolution of mutation, advancement of mutation or death.

During their missions to administer this cure to the human beings (affectionately nicknamed 'Darkseekers') it was discovered that when bitten by infected homo sapiens, that real mutants (X-Men, etc) are infected with a tainted form of the mutant cure that has been exposed both to other mutants and to homo sapiens genes. The result is that their mutations go unaffected, however, they begin to take on traits of the infected homo sapiens (see above) and more. Mutants that are bitten by uncured humans begin displaying symptoms of classic vampirism.

As the world begins to put itself together again (much thanks going to the X-Men and Brotherhood) what sort of niche will these new Mutant Vampires find? Will the new world be sympathetic to their plight? Or will they be seen as monsters? How will they use their new abilities? And how will the newly formed governments decide to deal with problems that arise concerning these 'vampires'?

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List of Mutations in Use [Oct. 20th, 2008|10:13 pm]


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Just as with the "played by" list, here is a list for everyone's reference purposes so that no toes get stepped on. Picking up canon characters which have mutations of someone already in the game cannot be avoided, and should not/is not discouraged. However, when creating originals, please check this list and contact the player of anyone with similar abilities to your character. It may bother them/make them uncomfortable. Of course, more than one person can have the same mutation, but there are hundreds to choose from, and characters that share mutations can always be in different affiliations. :) I hope this helps!

Mutations in Use )
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