X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - September 26th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 26th, 2008

Wicked's done. [Sep. 26th, 2008|08:40 pm]
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I forgot to finish filling out Wicked's information. It's now more or less complete and I plan to bring her in soon. If anyone is interested in talking history or dead people, she's the go-to girl.

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[Sep. 26th, 2008|09:08 pm]
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Just wanted to let those of you in the previous danger room thread know that you can post out of turn if you'd like. Luis (Cannonball) feel free to reply to Leigh (Rogue) since she was directly talking to you, it wouldn't make much since for Bobby to chime in yet. Everyone for themselves! =)

-Dan (Iceman)
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