X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - April 24th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 24th, 2008

Hey guys! [Apr. 24th, 2008|10:07 pm]


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Just wanted to update you all on what's been going on.

Rob and I finally got our internet issue squared away, so that's cool. Unfortunately, Rob's on a 6-day stretch at work, with 9 hours a shift each night, and we've been helping my dad with his scrap metal business on during the day when we're not asleep, but Monday and Tuesday are his off days, so we'll want to relax and stare at the computer, lol. Hopefully he can get some replies in before then. Time just keeps running out before we can sit down and think. I know I'll be replying, I have all night, after all.

Dan is at his brother's wedding out of state and won't return until Sunday, so he probably won't be ready to post until Monday, either.

I'm not sure about Jordan, but things have gotten crazy with her at work (vet clinic) and there was a local puppy mill that got raided and her employer has been trying to send as much help as possible to take care of the dogs and puppies, so things are nuts there.

I know Leigh's been visiting with family, so she's been busy, and there are always tests and finals and spring cleaning and other junk that I know we're all dealing with here and there. So, hopefully after this week things can pick back up. But I just wanted to explain what's going on, activity-wise.

Also, I'm sorry to say we've lost Nicole and Frank (Jubilee and Quicksilver) due to lack of contact after non-activity. I tried to reach them both. Alas, no go.

So, if anyone is interested in either of those pups or knows someone who is, bring 'em on down! And if Nicole and Frank pop back in and they're still open, well, all the better.

Thanks guys,

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