X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 5th, 2008

Hey guys - gonna try to make some things clear [Jan. 5th, 2008|01:38 am]


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Sorry about all the mix-ups lately with times and dates.

I really wish we could've gotten some mod-posted opening threads done, but real life went crazy. There was a bit of a falling out between Jordan and I (patched up now) and I sort of lost my job. Rob's working midnights... lol. It was impossible for us all to get together on the first and write some solid openers. So, our bad. But to clear some stuff up:

Saturday, February 16th, 2008, 6:15 PM, EST
Moira makes her announcement. The Cure Virus has been in effect since December 2007. Cases had been getting worse, and deaths started happening. This will be added to the PLOT section, but here's the huge event that really made things come out into the open about the virus...

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007
An orderly at a hospital in NYC was a mutant who had gotten the cure. He had come into contact with most every patient and co-worker on his level, and within a day or so (two twelve-hour shifts) he had spread the Cure Virus to all those 'sapiens. So naturally, they went nuts and started eating the other patients/staff. This is when scientists really jumped in and started studying the virus. That happened in December. Everyone should know about the mutated homosapiens by now, and most of the cities have been evacuated (the immune and the mutants). The only people left in most major cities are the creatures, some mutants, a few stranded immune people and maybe a few cops/special forces.

Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Charles Xavier locates a mutant boy in a Manhattan apartment building mid-day and sends a team of six to retrieve him.
Cyclops, Phoenix, Beast, Nightcrawler, Iceman & Cannonball

On or before Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Wolverine and whomever decides to accompany him (friends/mentors of Rogue?) leave the mansion in hopes of bringing Rogue back and keeping her in the security of the school. With news of the Cure Virus, they all feel it's dire that their friend is brought back to safety, even if she doesn't come willingly. Do they know she's in the Brotherhood? Not really. Charles isn't sure himself, but he has an inkling she might've run into them.

On or before Wednesday, February 20th, 2008
Magneto receives information from Sabretooth that the creatures will be reaching their lair in the abandoned subway station and will prove to be an issue (coming and going, general living). So, upon his return, he will discuss with his Brotherhood where they will be relocating to.

Okay! Now, everyone else - if you post something before February 16th, it should be backdated. Threads should not be taking place after that date, though, as it's current time in the game. Anyone at the mansion who is left can interact at will / discuss the issues at hand, etc. Hope this helps! Sorry about all the confusion, again.


P.S. We have two new pups: [info]upgradeyou (Mars, played by Jordan) and [info]cyberpathy (Matrix, played by Leigh).
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[Jan. 5th, 2008|12:09 pm]
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I know Bec has already introduced my new baby, Matrix. But, I decided to go ahead and post a little something about her, anyway. xD

She's an ex-student at the Institute, so people that have been there a while would probably know who she is. I'm trying to determine who her friends are. Mind you, she isn't the type of person who would have a lot of close friends, since she more or less prefers the company of computers than anything else. Haha. She's a cyberpath/technopath, so not many people understand that she has a close bond with electronics than most.

Anyway, if you want any of your kids to be friends (or enemies) with her, feel free to drop me a line. That way we can work out details and stuff. :)

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~What do you think?~ [Jan. 5th, 2008|05:10 pm]

This is more or less a request for the mods. Can we go back to designating telepathic dialogue with "~"?

That way we don't have to keep typing "he said, with telepathy". It just makes more sense.

Example: ~I love you Scott!~

Wha'd ya'll think?

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[Jan. 5th, 2008|05:29 pm]
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We watched this episode of Family Guy and laughed for ten minutes when they used Bobby in a bit - it happened to be online. So, check it out.
ICEMAN ON YOUTUBE: "Oh, walk away."
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