X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 3rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 3rd, 2008

[Jan. 3rd, 2008|01:10 pm]
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Hey, Logan here! :)

I really want to start gettin' my hands dirty ( in character that is! ) Would anyone like to thread with Sam ( Cannonball ) Guthrie? I didn't really think I could fit Samuel into the current posts ( one being for a brotherhood only ), So I would so like to toss that aside and just start something with someone! Thanks. Give me a holler.

- Logan.
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Magneto says: label your threads. [Jan. 3rd, 2008|01:18 pm]


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Hey guys. I just wanted to say welcome to our two new members - Del (or Dan, but then we'd have two!) who is Iceman and Exxie who is playing our Angel.

Mainly, I'm posting about the most recent IC threads. The first IC post that was posted wasn't meant to be a thread and contains one NPC, so there isn't any information at the top about what the thread is about. But for the next two IC posts, they need to be labeled. This was buried in the links page, but it was there, so I'm bringing it into the light, lol. I trust you all to start threads (all the time, but I mean particularly at the opening of the game with this weird, new plot), but this should be on the top of new threads so people know what's going on. Thanks! :D

BTW! I updated the FAQ with this: People started displaying symptoms of the full blown virus as early as December, 2007. The governments and miliaries of the world made no official announcements until January 30th, 2008. Dr. Moira MacTaggart's interview aired February 17th, 2008.




"And" sign, "number" sign, 160, semicolon. This adds a space on either side of your rating code "YOUR RATING HERE". For some reason, the HTML and textbox aren't working with me on that little tidbit.

So it should look like this, at the very top of your post:

Who: Magneto; Toad; attention Brotherhood
When: February 17th, 2008 (evening)
Where: Magneto's subway lair
What: addressing the Cure Virus issue
Status: in progress
Rating:  PG-13 

Morty + Erik = BFF )
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|03:43 pm]
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Greetings everyone! I'm Del and I'm going to be playing your friendly neighborhood Iceman! Wow, I'm not sure what else to say. I'm so tired right now. Maybe if I take a nap I'll be able to think of more to say. lol Well, Bobby is a lot more down to earth and level headed than his comic counterparts, especially the Ultimate version. I'm excited that we've got an Angel at the same time, because I was hoping they could be good friends.. an interesting dynamic to me since Warren is indirectly responsible for Rogue leaving the school. I really hope we get a Pyro and a Logan because those are two characters that we don't have that I really want to RP with! (I'll be writing up a wish list later tonight, definitely.) Lastly, my AIM name is ninjivitis for anyone who might want to say hi or chat. ;o)
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list of roommates [Jan. 3rd, 2008|09:47 pm]


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Roommates )
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|11:03 pm]
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[Current Mood | cheerful]

Howdy thar! I'm Exxie, I'm twenty-two, and I've picked up Angel. (: Obviously, he's movie!verse, so he's probably going to be shy when actually.. around people. I imagine he'll be more talkative over the network, since no one actually has to see him or anything.

Yes. He's pretty embarrassed about the wings.

Anyhow, I'm available on AIM @ xx rapturously, or through email @ xxrapturously@gmail.com. Feel free to hit me up for plot ANY TIME, srsly. If I don't reply immediately, it's because I'm either at work or I've stepped away from the computer and have forgotten that I had AIM on.


(Oh yeah. I'll.. get around to making some icons for him asap. *has been lazy*)
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|11:22 pm]
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Yeah, so.. this is my greeting.

I'm Lance, and I'll be playing Wolverine; very much looking forward to meeting you all!
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