X-Men: The Aftermath OOC [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Jan. 11th, 2008|01:40 am]
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Leigh told me I had to post this on the OOC board, so here I go.

1:32:08 AM Del: lol I thought it would be kinda interesting to continue the scene where Bobby finds out that Rogue took the cure.
1:32:26 AM Leigh: You know, I was actually thinking the same thing.
1:32:41 AM Leigh: We could also do a flashback of the day she left the mansion, as well.
1:33:08 AM Del: Bobby didn't find out about that until after she was gone, though.
1:33:47 AM Leigh: That's true. I might have to do a narrative about that.
1:34:32 AM Del: He found out from Pete who walked by carrying the TV, and who didn't seem to care or wonder why she was gone lol
1:35:08 AM Leigh: ROFL.
1:36:51 AM Del: seriously. he's just like "She took off, bro" But secretly he was like "Bitch, who cares about that ho! Why aren't you commenting on how awesome I am for carrying this huge TV under one arm? Why doesn't Bobby love me?!"
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[Jan. 3rd, 2008|03:43 pm]
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Greetings everyone! I'm Del and I'm going to be playing your friendly neighborhood Iceman! Wow, I'm not sure what else to say. I'm so tired right now. Maybe if I take a nap I'll be able to think of more to say. lol Well, Bobby is a lot more down to earth and level headed than his comic counterparts, especially the Ultimate version. I'm excited that we've got an Angel at the same time, because I was hoping they could be good friends.. an interesting dynamic to me since Warren is indirectly responsible for Rogue leaving the school. I really hope we get a Pyro and a Logan because those are two characters that we don't have that I really want to RP with! (I'll be writing up a wish list later tonight, definitely.) Lastly, my AIM name is ninjivitis for anyone who might want to say hi or chat. ;o)
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