X-Men: The Aftermath OOC - January 2nd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 2nd, 2008

about mein pups [Jan. 2nd, 2008|12:25 pm]


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Most of you know me, but here's a quick run down of all my lieblings:

Storm - Ororo Munroe ([info]storming) she's Halle, but she tends to have a few more comic influences - which is what people would prefer anyway, I think. So far as folks she prefers to interact with - her current students, the Professor, Nightcrawler, her original colleagues, and the like-minded few in the Bobby-Rogue-Colossus-Kitty generation.

Magneto - Erik Lensherr ([info]magnus) again, more comic influences, but highly based on the awesome personality Ian gave him. His twins and his pets (Sabretooth and Toad) are among his favorites now, on account of his and Mystique's bad blood (no pun intended) and the fact that everyone else is fairly new to him and times are tricky.

Toad - Mortimer Toynbee ([info]toad) he lives! According to movieverse canon, Toad survived Storm's volt. And he's just as funky and freaky as before - look out ladies. Toad's BFF is Sabretooth, but I think he and Pyro would get along (if we had one, and if John could get over the slime thing). Pretty well anyone who can put up with him is in the book.

Non-film Canons
Britannic - Brian Braddock ([info]britannic) or 'Captain Britain' the less popular twin of Psylocke. I love Brian, and I think he'd have been a hoot in the films. At any rate, I've given him a more toned down persona and a helpful career/skills to fuel the movieverse X-Men's fire. So, he's not the irrational, English body builder that we know from the comics. He's still pretty protective of his loved ones, though. For all his positive traits, he's a bit of a narcissist and enjoys the finer things - so folks who like to go out and have a good time are ones he'd like to be around.

Firestar - Angelica Jones ([info]flame_on [originally in the animated Spider-Man show, identified as an ex-X-Men member... lol] ) she's in the up-and-coming X-Men bracket. She likes to train, then to be a layabout, then hop right back on the horse, so she's binges and purges a bit. I dunno if it's because of her powers or not, lol. Anyway, she likes material things, but she's not too shallow - she can actually be useful (she thinks cars are pretty, but she knows how to fix them, sort of situation). She likes men a lot, and older women for company - I think she'd look up to Jean and Emma lot, and probably Polaris.

Torrent - Troy Redshaw ([info]torrential) is a water manipulator, or a hydrokine. He's Native American (Navajo) and pretty proud. He's mid-twenties and has come and gone from the X-Mansion a few times, ultimately deciding that it was the best place for him to be, despite feeling a bit put down by Charles' politics. He's a free spirit, and a prankster and a bit of a loose cannon, but he's generally harmless and gets along with everyone (similarly to Toad, if they can put up with him).

Zap - Zalika Pallaton ([info]zapster) is an electrokine and is still developing her mutation, so she's got a ways to go before she can do what would be considered possible. She's early twenties, an American mutt, and highly into electronics and writing, and helped to rebuild the blackbird after Jean killed it in X3. She struggles with weight and keeping fit (how do all the X-Men do it? Really?) and has a bit of a sarcastic attitude, but she's nice to everyone who is nice to her and tries her best to keep peace amongst her peers. Similarly to Kitty, she's in her room a lot working on things for her own enjoyment or on assignments from the Professor, etc. So she's a bit scarce but comes out when something blows up and needs re-wired.

Morro - Viveka Spiner ([info]morro) she's a telepath/kine type, and was put on the Brotherhood simply to rival the unfair amount of telepaths/telekines on the X-Men (four? five?) lol. So, she'll be around when Magneto needs someone's brain picked. She's blue-haired, well-read and tries to be a lady, but being around Demon, Toad, Sabretooth and Pyro all day, it's hard. Real hard. Hah. I jest. A little.

So, if anyone has any plot ideas pertaining to your pups and mine interacting (original or comic canon or what have you) lemme know! I'm always up for some mischief/drama/fluff/angst, etc.
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about the most recent in character post [Jan. 2nd, 2008|01:18 pm]


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We've updated the FAQ: here! And the plot. So, check those out. If there are any questions, please comment here. Thanks guys! :D
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