World In Her Hands
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Sookie Stackhouse is a freakin' fairy [userpic]

Spoilers for the season finale of True Blood. )

So. There's supposed to be lots more naked me when this show about us comes back? I think I can live with that.

Sookie, what are you doing for Halloween?

I still can't find Bill.

Eric, what are you up to?

. . . the hell?

Current Mood: confused confused

Well... this is interesting.

...This is not funny.


Sookie Stackhouse is a freakin' fairy [userpic]

Y'know, now that Spring Break season's windin' down, it's gettin' a bit borin' down here. Anybody got any ideas what t'do?

Sookie Stackhouse is a freakin' fairy [userpic]

Church inna bar.

Church in our bar.

Best midnight mass ever.

'Think m'finally startin' to like this place.

Sookie Stackhouse is a freakin' fairy [userpic]

So I. S'this for real, then?

I mean, gotta call this mornin', from my boss. Wonderin' where I been.

Apparently I work at somethin' called The Famous Door? Think it's a bar. She gave me till th'weekend t'get myself together.

Does this. Happen, often?

Sookie Stackhouse is a freakin' fairy [userpic]

What in the world was that? Bill Compton, I swear, if this was a trick from one'a those friends'a yours, we are gonna have words.

I said I'd help. I didn't mean they could... magic me, or whatever, across the state. You need t'ask about that kinda thing. What, were they raised in barns?

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