World In Her Hands
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Best. Universe. Ever!

Hey, Ray? Uh. You should... watch out, when you get back?

[Attached file]

He followed me here on my run. (There's a camera, in this phone, did you know? That's like, the best thing ever.)

Can we keep him? Please?

Hey, Charlie! You and Dani should come over and see him. He's really fast. And likes to play catch!

Best. Birthday. Ever.

Surfing, and sushi, and sake bombs and video games. And a new computer phone thing that's really awesome. Very Jetsons. The future isn't a complete disappointment, after all.

Hey, uh, Gigi? Thanks. You know. For... you know.

Uh. Ray! I'm hungry. Can we go get lunch? I promise we can find somewhere that cooks their food, even. I'll ask big!me. If we find him, soon.

Ray )

Gigi )

Ray, likely viewable to Gigi )

Gigi )


You know, maybe there is a God. I had forgotten the mixture, until tonight.

Sounds like it's time to throw another party, in reality. Wilson, dig out your little black book. Wood, you're paying. you know any improper dancers? Foreman can lift us a sound system. Now all I need's the place.

Say, Cuddy.

'Just had to have me back.'

'Didn't know what you'd do without me.'

What have I done for the last two weeks? Rotations.

Either you get yourself a serious case load, or I'm walking, bosslady. I didn't come back to be wiping coma patient's asses.

Wood )

Last night of vacation. I could use a drink.

First round's mine.

Wilson )

Who thought it was funny to invite me to drink the kool-aid?

You'll get yours, Chief. Where did you find these freaks, anyway?

I take that back, I don't wanna know.

Fuck it. I'm going back to sleep.

Ray )

Wilson )

Stacy )

Damnit. They caught me.

Not my apartment.

Really, really not my apartment.

Apparently, I missed another memo.

Jesse Custer [Preacher] [userpic]

I'm not going to ask. I'm not sure I want to know.

What happened to my babies?

(OOC: Just for reference, the twins have been reset back to when they aged, so Ray remembers them as babies celebrating their first birthday, and they're suddenly...6. So he's a little freaked)

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