World In Her Hands
.:: .:. .:: .:..: ..:.. .: .:: .::..
Back September 5th, 2010 Forward

I've just returned from hiking the Appalachian Trail. It was quite an experience, especially right at the end there getting drenched by the residual rains from Hurricane Earl. I'd decided to spend my last night sleeping out under the stars; bad choice. I should have known better when I saw the wisps of clouds approaching at dusk.

Has anyone else spent any time hiking there? What did you think of your experience?


I want to make love to the mountain

master_obiwan [userpic]

This is not my room in the Jedi Temple. And this device is not my comlink.

...Now I'm curious as to what it was Anakin put in the tea he served me last night.

Current Mood: curious curious

So everything is pointing towards me being dead. I'm not sure what I make of that truthfully.

Another influx, huh? Well, that's not a bad thing. Hello to all the newcomers. Welcome to God's World!

Ray )

master_obiwan [userpic]


Current Mood: sad sad
Back September 5th, 2010 Forward