World In Her Hands
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Back January 16th, 2010 Forward

This has been an interesting year all around. I think things have just gotten a lot more interesting. My foster son has entered the computer age, and my husband and I are now the same age as him and our oldest children. Not to mention the three year olds we already had, who aren't any older and don't really understand what happened to their parents.

Man, what else is going to happen?

Miss Adama?


Now wait, wait, wait. What did you mean I was wondering around? You know what you told that Tyler new person. I'm still here.

Okay so originally I was going to challenge your assertion that I never married your mother but of course you're right, I never did. Then again I did eventually, well my reality's version of the woman who's your mother I guess I should say.

This whole thing can be very perplexing sometimes can't it.

Why do my students think I won't catch them cheating? It's insulting to think they thought I wouldn't know what was going on. Oh, well. I'll be the one laughing when its time for grades.

Otherwise, this version of life isn't without its perks. Coffee, for one thing. Real showers, as opposed to the Ion showers we had on the boat. Then again, those were great when you were in a hurry. Not having to listen to the Commander lecture me on a daily basis is an absolute plus. Jeez, I even miss *him*.

Dean? I had fun at breakfast. Would you want to come have lunch at Stanford one day? My treat.

Kyp, we should do something.

Back January 16th, 2010 Forward